Chapter 15

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Harry was seated in a Director's chair on the set of One Direction's new video while a fan intended to keep him cool in the heat practically blew his hair off of his head. He kept his face buried in his phone in an effort to keep his mind off the fact that Jennifer was also on set. She and Liam had become like Frick and Frack over the past few days and it annoyed the shit out of him even though he really wanted it not to.

She looked amazing. Wearing a pair of short shorts and a tank top that barely kissed the top of them giving him the smallest peek of her newly toned core. He'd actually contemplated playing sick so he could go back to the hotel.

Unfortunately he had to be here for this since he had an inordinate amount of solos on this song. He glanced over in the direction of Ben, the director, and scowled. Whatever was taking so long it better have been good.

"Oh my God! What are you doing here?!" He heard Jennifer squeal as she stood up and wrapped her arms around the shoulders of literally the most amazing looking firefighter Harry had ever seen.

"We're here to supervise the pyro for the video shoot. I didn't know it was for One Direction though. My niece is gonna lose her mind when she hears about this."

Jennifer smiled,

"So you get to spend your whole day hanging out in full firefighter uniform in the heat of Miami? Sounds like a ton of fun."

Chad smiled,

"It will be now that you're here." Chad leaned over to slap hands with Liam as he approached,

"Glad to see ya again, Mate. How's the wife?"

"She's good. Almost ready to pop. I freak out every time my phone rings."

Liam laughed,

"I'm sure."

Niall folded his arms over his chest as he studied the scene in front of him. He was frowning due to the fact that Alex had just about lost control of her limbs when she saw Chad earlier that day and Niall was none to happy to see he'd returned.

Harry walked up behind Niall,

"Who's Magic Mike?"

Niall snorted,

"Apparently he's with the squad here to make sure we don't blow ourselves up with pyro."

Harry sneered,

"Fabulous. How the hell does Jennifer know him?"

Niall shrugged. Alex fanned herself with a magazine she'd been reading. Niall wasn't sure if it was because of the heat or because of the man standing a few hundred feet away from all of them,

"I dunno but she's lucky."

Niall looked over at her,

"Really now?"

Harry snarled,

"Yeah. He probably spends all his time at the gym, drinking protein shakes and talking about eating healthy." When Niall and Alex both looked over at him blinking, he sighed, "What?"

A slow smile spread over Niall's face,

"You're jealous."

Harry scoffed,


Alex laughed,

"Yep...big time."

"You're both crazy." Harry protested, hearing Niall laugh his usual infectious laugh as he walked away.

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