Drabble - And So We Meet Again...

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Going to this ceremony was going to be hard considering I was hunted wherever I went. But I was determined. Jennifer was getting an award today. I had no idea what it was for. Liam told me a few days ago inadvertently. Or maybe he'd meant to. It was no secret that since we'd split, I hadn't really been the same. And Liam was a worrier. He just wanted everything to go back to the way it had been. I didn't have the heart to tell him that that probably wouldn't happen again. At least not while I was still so hopelessly in love with Jennifer.

But I wanted to be there for her.

I walked into the auditorium, glancing around at all the activity. It made me wonder what would have happened if I hadn't ever tried out for the X Factor. Would I have gone off to University? I was most definitely headed there. I caught sight of Holly and Liam sitting off to the side, both looking like the pop stars they were. No one seemed to bother them. Thankfully no one seemed to care that I was there either. Liam glanced up and saw me, waving me over to sit with them. The look on Holly's face told me all I needed to know about what she thought of my attendance.

She looked about ready to burst open with happiness. She hugged me tightly,

"I can't believe you're here. She's gonna go ape shit when she sees you."

I raised my eyebrows,

"Let's hope not."

I glanced around at the people around us as I took my seat next to Liam. The crowd mostly looked to be older people. Parents of the others getting awards and faculty members who had made the final decisions.

I watched as the doors opened and a few people filed in, the last one being the love of my life.

She looked happy and relaxed. She was pushing her long, brunette hair off of her forehead as she turned to converse with another student on their way into the auditorium. She was wearing a flowery, flowy skirt and a top and a pair of gladiator sandals. My heart did flip flops at the sight of her.

She took her spot next to the other students, clasping her hands in front of her.

When the professor stood up to introduce the students behind him, Holly screamed and yelled as she hopped up from her seat. Jennifer burst out laughing as she looked over at her best friend, her giggle fading just slightly when her eyes fell on me.

Our eyes locked and the world fell away. The rush of emotions that hit me was indescribable. The only time I had ever really felt at ease was when I was with her and that hadn't changed since we'd been apart.

She nodded her head at me, a wide smile burning dimples I hadn't ever really noticed before into her cheeks. She finally had to look away when it was time for everyone to take their seats to get the awards ceremony started.


"I'm so proud of you!" Holly exclaimed for what had to be the eighth time in the last ten minutes. She threw her arms around Jennifer's neck and hugged her as tightly as possible. Jennifer grimaced,

"Hol...take it down a notch before you choke the life out of me."

Holly quickly released her,

"Sorry. I'm just...this is so awesome. And you're so amazing."

Liam laughed,

"All A words...good alliteration." Holly glared at him as he put his arm around her and pulled her to him. He looked over at Jennifer after he kissed the side of Holly's head, "Make sure you put that somewhere where everyone can see it. My awards are all in a display case right at the front door."

Stumbling Into Perfection...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ