Chapter 23

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Being lulled into a false sense of security had to be the worst feeling in the world when you finally came to the realization that's what had happened. Harry had awakened to an unexpectedly empty bed. Jennifer was in the bathroom, he could hear her rummaging around. Since the pictures came out two weeks ago it had resulted in distance he was unable to understand. The two of them were now falling asleep on opposite sides of the bed. Most of the time she was already asleep by the time he'd even gotten back to their room. He was disconcerted and mildly alarmed at this turn of events.

He heard her pull the door open as he pushed himself up onto his elbows and tried to blink the sleep out of his eyes,

"Are you going somewhere?" He asked softly, a little apprehensive to ask her anything for fear she'd get annoyed. Lately it had seemed like anything he said elicited some type of irritation from her.

She shook her head,

"No. Just wanted to get the shower before you take all the hot water."

Her words stung more than they should have. He cleared his throat,


"Have you seen your Hanson shirt? I wanna wear it today."

He shook his head,

"I haven't seen it since you took it."

She turned to him, an exasperated sigh passing through her lips,

"You said it was fine. If you want it back, I'll give it back."

He raised his eyebrows,

"I don't want it back."

"Ok then, have you seen it?" She asked as she rummaged through his suitcase.

He shook his head,

"No." He decided to leave it with one word so as not to poke the bear anymore. There was no telling what would set her off lately.

She turned to look at him as she pulled a shirt over her head. It wasn't the Hanson shirt,

"You have press all day today right?"

He nodded,

"Yeah. But I have time between the show and the last interview if you..." He slowed down a bit, "Wanted to get...dinner or...something."

Jennifer shrugged,

Harry perked up a bit,


She pulled a hoodie onto her shoulders,

"Yeah. Why do you sound surprised?"

He relaxed his face,

"I'm not. I'm excited to spend some time with you." He let his hands drop onto the bed in front of him, playing with his fingers nervously, "It seems like we haven't spent a lot of time together lately."

Jennifer looked back at him. She hated herself. Her punishment of him was unfair and uncalled for. She wanted nothing more than to collapse on the bed with him and stay in the room for the rest of the day, but something was holding her back.

The pictures had exploded both of their worlds. Harry was asked in every interview about them. Fans shouted out terrible things at her whenever she was in public, resulting in her staying away from shows so Harry wouldn't have to deal with it. The heartbreak that registered on his face every time he heard the comments was more than she could handle.

Holly and Liam had also been dragged into it now that their relationship was common knowledge. They were regular fodder on late night monologues.

Jennifer's indiscretions had never really ever touched other people. Now she was taking everyone she loved down with her. It was more than she could take some days.

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