Chapter 22

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The plane landed late. Late enough that Jennifer and Harry went straight to his suite and promptly fell asleep. Apparently vacations are more exhausting than one would think when they involve copious amounts of sex and not much else. Harry had woken up early to get to an interview with the boys leaving Jennifer curled in the fetal position in bed. She woke up to a note on the pillow explaining that she looked much too beautiful and comfortable for him to bother her and he'd see her later that night at the show.

Jennifer smiled and folded the note, tucking it away in her bag for safe keeping. She snuggled into her bed, closing her eyes for another hour or two of sleep when she was reminded of Holly and the duet.

She grabbed her phone and pulled up her text messages, tapping on Holly's name. Holly quickly replied saying she was in Liam's hotel room and to come have breakfast, she had a surprise.

Jennifer quickly showered, got dressed and made her way down the few doors to Liam's room. Holly pulled the door open and enveloped her in a huge hug,

"How was the vacation? You're glowing so I know there was at least lots of sex."

Jennifer laughed,

"It was much needed. I see you and Liam made up." Jennifer said softly as she glanced around the room which seemed to be setup as a recording studio at the moment.

Holly glanced around and then sighed, looking back at her best friend,

"I did it, J. I recorded the duet with him."

Jennifer raised her eyebrows,

"Oh really? I didn't - I mean - the last time we spoke you seemed like you were totally against it."

"I was. But Liam convinced me. He's been so sweet this whole week. Really giving me space and time to figure out what I wanted to do. And last night he took me to the Georgia Dome and made me realize how stupid I was being."

Jennifer was happy for Holly's breakthrough. But also slightly disappointed that she'd figured it out on her own. Jennifer had always taken a lot of pride in being the one to help Holly out of her crises when they arose. And even though they'd discussed having Jennifer back away so Holly could handle things on her own, Jennifer realized in that moment she would always feel responsible for Holly's well being.

Holly rambled on and on about the recording process and how attentive and sweet Liam had been through it. Jennifer pushed the disappointment out of her mind. She was being unfair. Holly had done what she'd asked her to do.

"Sounds great." Jennifer said, "When do I get to hear it?"

"We're almost done. We recorded almost straight through the night. Liam had to leave-"

"For an interview...I know. Harry had to leave for one too."

Holly could hear something in Jennifer's voice. It wasn't anger. Maybe a touch of disappointment? She studied her best friend closely,

"Are you ok?"

Jennifer sat down at the table and let out a deep sigh,


Holly sat down on the bed across from her,

"You just seem...distracted. I dunno if that's the right word."

Jennifer shrugged,

"Just have a lot going on." She finally focused back on Holly, "I decided to go back to school."

Holly's face lit up,

"Oh my God, are you serious? Where? When? What can I do to help?" When Jennifer laughed Holly stopped, "What?"

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