Chapter 33

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Harry shoved his hands in his pockets as he walked into the restaurant. Since leaving Jennifer's apartment that morning, he was more and more convinced that he couldn't date Kelly anymore. He knew she was reeling since Jennifer's return and that she would probably think that's why he was pulling away. He'd been dreading this discussion all day.

He spotted Kelly already waiting for him and he ducked his head as he approached the table. She smiled, looking slightly nervous as he sat down. He'd told her on the phone that he'd wanted to have lunch so they could talk.

He licked his lips as he sat down,

"How are you?"

She smiled weakly,

"Good. How is recording going?"

He took a long drink from his glass of ice water,

"Good. Good."

She nodded slowly, playing with the napkin in her lap. He took a deep breath and looked up at her,

"Can I be honest with you?"

She tried to smile but he could tell she was just putting on a brave face.

"You love her," Kelly said softly, not willing to look at him, "And that's all that really matters here...right?"

Harry shook his head, reaching across the table to take her hand,

"That isn't the only thing that matters. I never set out to hurt you. You have to know that."

She smiled weakly,

"I do know that. But I also know that you guys have a history I just can't compete with."

Harry sighed,


She shook her head,

"It's okay, Harry. I knew it was coming."

He ran a hand through his hair,

"I'm not doing this because I'm in love with her. We can't be together. I know that now. But I also know that I can't be what you need me to be. I can't be that for anyone right now." She looked up, her face sad. Harry squeezed her hand, "You deserve someone who will love you the way you deserve to be loved."

She closed her eyes and he felt his heart sink when the tears slipped down her cheeks. She took a deep breath and took the napkin off her lap,

"Harry, you deserve that too."

He sighed and sat back against the chair. She leaned forward,

"You do. I can't believe I'm about to say this but...if she's what makes you happy then don't let her go."

Harry stared back at her for a few moments before leaning forward. He hated to ask her, of all people, the questions burned into his brain but he couldn't help it,

"Do you think you can get to a point with someone where there's so much anguish...that it's impossible to be together?"

"You mean the pain outweighs the love?" She asked. He nodded once. Kelly shrugged, "I believe that two people can get back to the love...if they really want to."

He sat back against the chair and nodded a few times before staring off out the windows of the restaurant to the street.


Jennifer was staring at the wall in her therapist's office. She'd been quiet for at least the last ten minutes, having come no closer to any explanation for why it was she couldn't fully trust Harry. He'd never cheated, never lied, he'd never done anything to make her question his integrity in any way. So that left her with one reason,

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