Chapter 1

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"Tsu! Ieyasu! Breakfast is ready!" a mother, Sawada Nana, called upstairs to her children.

A loud and deep scream could be heard when the older brother realized that if he didn't get up now he would be late and severely “bitten to death” by the school’s Disiplinary Chairman.

"Coming!" the 17-year-old boy with spiky brown hair that stuck up in all directions, narrowed eyes that matched his hair, a height of 5'9, and a good amount of lean muscle can be seen on his body.


"Oh, Tsu! We got a flyer in the mail for a home tutor that said they can make you the leader of the next generation!" Nana said excitedly.

"Heh~ that just sounds like a scam, but if you want to try I guess I can too..." Tsu or Tsuna said knowing that his grades weren't all that bad in reality, but under his facade could still use the work. "Ah! I’ll see you after school, Mamma!" Tsuna said running out of his house towards Namimori High while his brother ran to Namimori Middle.

"Have fun, Tsu! Ieyasu!"


"Oh? So this is the kid I'm supposed to be tor-tutoring? This might just be fun~," Reborn said while following Tsuna silently to school.


"Dame-Tsuna, answer number 27 on the board," the most hated teacher in the school, and self-proclaimed elite, Nezu-sensei, yelled at Tsuna.

"I don't know that answer to one... but I know the answer to number 26, so can I answer that one?" Tsuna replied, trying to get by without having to do problem 27, but of course, this teacher hated Tsuna and said

"No! You must listen to me, and answer whatever question I tell you to answer!" Nezu shouted back at Tsuna while throwing a piece of chalk at his head.

'I guess I'll just have to use my intuition to figure this out~ Oh well~!' "Fine, fine," Tsuna said while catching the chalk in between two of his fingers, standing up, and walking towards the board to solve the problem.

"Ha! Dame-Tsuna! You solved that wrong-! Correct!? How could you have solved any problem correct!?" 'Hmm~ Maybe using my intuition a little more often wouldn't be so bad?'


"So this kid is actually competent in school? That doesn’t match any of the files I received from Iemitsu. Hm... Just how long has it been since Iemitsu's been home?"

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