Chapter 16

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The group walked up to the gate, checking in with the guards stationed there, before passing through to the people on the front steps of the mansion. "And? How did the mission go?" Nonno asked as they came near.

"It went well. We were able to save more than half the kids that were in there before we burned the building. However, I need someone to get me a computer. I need to delete some files that should no longer exist," Tsuna said calmly with Lambo still asleep in his arms. Nonno nodded before turning around and gesturing for them to follow him inside.

They passed by a guard whom Nonno informed of what Tsuna needed. The guard politely asked Tsuna to follow him to the computer room. Tsuna passed Lambo off to Hayato before following after the guard. Tsuna followed the guard silently not really wanting to talk at the moment. He was still upset that the Estraneo didn't know how to fix him and his brother.

He had decided earlier that he would get a certain person's help, but he didn't know where to find them, so after he finished this task he would be going into main rooms to ask Reborn. Eventually Tsuna and the guard stopped in front of a set of double doors. The guard motioned for Tsuna to pass through and Tsuna thanked him softly before pushing open one of the doors. Some of the men and women in the room liked up at him while others continued with their work. One of the women who had been looking up at Tsuna noticed him searching for an empty computer. She stood up and walked to him, confirming her thoughts, and asked him to follow her. There had been an empty computer next to her all the way in the back of the room.

Tsuna thanked her as he sat down and turned on the computer. Now, Tsuna was no professional hacker, but if he wanted files, he would have them. He knew that some people would have been able to find them faster than him, but he didn't want anyone else seeing the things written on his files. As soon as he found every source for his files he deleted them, leaving no trace of him nor of the files having ever existed.

He thanked the woman again, before returning back to everyone else. He walked back, retracing every step that he took to get to the computer lab. My files are now deleted, but now I have a whole other problem on my hands to deal with. He thoughts as he made his way to the dining room. Everyone was seated in their normal spots, and Tsuna took his spot at the opposite end of the table, directly facing Nonno.

He knew Nonno was going to ask him questions about the mission, so he decided to ask Reborn his question. He had changed his mind from earlier that night. Knowing now would be easier than knowing later because they had more technology directly at their fingertips. "Reborn, do you, by any chance, happen to know where Verde is?" Tsuna said looking at the small man off to the right of him.

"And why would you like to know that, Tsunayoshi?" Reborn asked raising his eyebrow ever so slightly, showing his interest in the subject. Tsuna bit his lip before answering in a half truth.

"I... Wanted to ask him some question, and maybe have some tests run. He is, of course, the best scientist in the world, and I need the best to answer these questions and run these tests. So?" Tsuna replied. He was still trying to keep the full reason from Ieyasu who was in the room at the time with them, and didn't want him to be devastated if even Verde couldn't reverse the tests that had been done on Tsuna or figure out an antidote.

Reborn sighed. He wanted to tell Tsuna where that man was, but even he himself didn't know. "I haven't seen him since the last time we were all together to find out that we were Arcobalenos. Finding him will be difficult, but I will help you if you need it."

Tsuna smiled softly. Disappointment shined through his eyes for a second before a thoughtful look settled over his features. There was a few other people that he could ask to find out where Verde is, but they could wait for later. As he was thinking of the people that could help find Verde, his thoughts passed over Viper, reminding him off the other group of people in the Vongola.

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