Chapter 20

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On their way off of the schools grounds, they had been informed of the next fight. The Storms were to fight two days later.

Hayato was pacing around his designated room. He couldn't let Tsuna down, but even if he did fail, which he wouldn't, couldn't, -not at Tsuna's expense, Tsuna wouldn't be too harsh. Right?

Tsuna was just a teen like them, and while he had been through tougher times than the rest of them... He wouldn't expect that much from them, right?

"I mean... He didn't seem to upset when he had needed to intervene with Lambo's fight. In fact he looked almost satisfied with the outcome. As if he expected that to happen... Almost as if he... enjoyed the outcome," Hayato spoke out loud, softly to himself. He wouldn't want to be heard talking to an empty room. That would just make him seem crazier than he was already believed to be.

"It'll be fine, I'll be fine..." He repeated as he changed for the night and slipped under his cold covers, shivering as his body slowly warmed under them.


They had decided to take two weeks off as a group for these battles, with Kyoya only going back to school to patrol during mornings, lunches and after school for an hour or so.

The guardians were all on strict orders from Tsuna to rest as much as possible before their own fight, but to train only if absolutely necessary.

Hayato had finally mastered his newest bombs, and was both excited and nervous to be testing them out the next day.

"But what if they fail, or if they blow up prematurely, or-!" He rambled on when Tsuna had asked why he looked so stressed.

"Haya-chan, I believe in your science and your engineering. So I'm gonna tell you this only once, okay? Stop asking about the 'what ifs' and start looking towards the positives. You made these bombs within only a few weeks, and the science behind them is perfect. They've been tested and tested, over and over again. So far there has been nothing wrong, which means that nothing will magically change withing the next twenty-four or so hours, okay?"

Tsuna said pulling the sitting Hayato's head into his chest and hugged him.

Hayato realized in the back of his mind that this is how Tsuna would hold Ieyasu whenever they had been separated or Kyoya when either of them had been through a tough day.

Did this mean he was accepted into the family? Officially?


There was no fight that night which meant that things had felt like usual until they all went to bed. They ate together as a family for each meal, went out to restock on groceries, and even got ice cream while they were out.

They were able to relax, and even Hayato was able to forget about his battle, if only for a few moments at a time.

After they had dinner they decided to put on a movie to help tire them out. Ipin, Fuuta and Lambo were the first to fall asleep, and after they were noticed everyone else decided that it was time for them to also go to bed.

They all walked quietly to their respective rooms, putting each of the three younger children into their own rooms.

However, Tsuna had stopped Hayato before he went inside his room. He wanted to reiterate that he expected results, but he also let the boy know that it was okay to lose.

"I couldn't possibly live with myself if I lost. It would be too much-" Hayato started mumbling, rambling. He was spiraling farther and farther into his thoughts.

Tsuna quickly cut him off, "Would it make you feel better if I said that I expected you to fail?"

Hayato stopped mid sentence, wide eyed, and looked into Tsuna's eyes.

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