Chapter 19

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They felt as prepared as they possibly could for their battle, which was not very. They were almost adults, yeah, but their competition was fully trained, full grown adults. Compared to them they were still children, so when they were finally given the day of the first battle they were nervous wrecks.

Ryohei was first up, and he was fighting a person named Lussuria. They were all surprised to find out what kind of man he was. Very fashionable and flamboyant, but also very serious at times. He fought against Ryohei valiantly, but underestimated the teens fighting abilities.

Just as he thought he had won, Ryohei broke the lights above them confusing Lussuria while giving Ryohei his chance to attack properly.

Tsuna stood against the wall watching his Sun guardian smugly with pride flickering through the his expression. He had the utmost faith in his guardians, but he wouldn't tell them that. Putting that kind of pressure on them would only cause them to lose focus and fail. He wanted to win, not to become the boss, but to prove that he and his family were strong enough to stand up to anything that got in their way.

And while he trusted the strength of his guardians, he also knew that losses were to be expected. After all, they were fighting against elite assassins.

Focusing back in on the match that had just ended, he watched Xanxus shoot Lussuria for losing. Tsuna raised a silent eyebrow when he and the older man locked eyes before looking over to his left where he saw the same two women that had informed them of Ryohei's fight originally. The Cervello.

They two twins informed the group of the next fight, "Tomorrow night the lightning guardians shall fight. You will meet one of us in front of this school no later than five minutes before your fight starts."

The two groups went their separate ways as they each prepared their lightning guardians for their fights.


Tsuna was the most nervous. He didn't expect Lambo's fight to be so soon. He wanted more time to prepare the younger boy for what was to come. But he didn't have time for that, so he would just prepare the younger boy as much as possible beforehand.

He had Lambo go to bed early with a perfectly balanced meal and then made him relax all of the next day. He trusted that Lambo could handle himself as a guardian, but he was still a child. Lambo was born into the mafia, yes, but that didn't mean he could handle a situation of what was basically life or death.

When it was time for them to go back to the school at the end of the day Lambo was nervous. He didn't know how to deal with nerves like this so all he could do was bounce around everywhere.

Hayato found it the most annoying, but he also could tell that Lambo was having trouble calming himself before his fight. Tsuna also saw this and considered stopping his fight before it even started. Before he could make up his mind, they were already at the school.

Tsuna sighed. Oh well, if anything goes wrong enough I'll just have to jump in there myself~! He thought, looking down at the child who had been holding his hand during the whole walk to the school.

The Cervello twin lead them up to the roof tops after they had met up in front of the school.

There, on the opposite side of the roof stood the Varia. Leviathan was stood out in front or the rest of his team with his back facing Tsuna's group.

The Cervello explained this fight and quickly signaled the beginning.

Lambo was trying to focus, but with how big Leviathan was compared to him, he was having a difficult time using his flames properly. Tsuna and Takeshi both saw this and wanted to do something to help him. They discreetly released some of their flames towards Lambo using the calming effects of Takeshi and Tsuna's flames and allowing Lambo to think more clearly.

Lambo channelled his flames through the metal pillars on the roof and directed them to Leviathan. The older man dodged as best as he could, but Lambo kept changing the direction of the lightning back towards him as soon as he landed.

He got fed up quickly and used his umbrellas to shock Lambo watching as the boy fell back.

The guardians we're shocked, but Tsuna was just standing there. They didn't have his verbal permission to intervene, so they stayed behind him.

Tsuna watched on with amused and prideful eyes. Lambo, a lightning guardian. You can't kill a guardian with their respective element. At least, not with that weak of an attack. He'll bounce back up, and the probably use his bazooka to go to the future. The small modifications I've made should give him fifteen or twenty minutes, enough to finish this fight.

Just as Tsuna predicted, Lambo got up wailing. He pulled the bazooka out of his hair, and shot himself into the future.

Moments later the pink smoke cleared and they got a clear view of an eighteen year old Lambo.

He looked around with one open eye before speaking. "Ah, so I'm here fighting Levi-san tonight? Okay, let's go then!" The eighteen year old said, lowering himself into his fighting stance.

They both fought for a while, but Lambo was still young and just as emotional as his eight year old self. When he got hit he stopped in his tracks before pulling out the bazooka and shooting himself another ten years into the future, with tears visibly welling up in his eyes.

Again, pink smoked cleared to reveal an even older Lambo. Doing some simple math, Tsuna easily figured this version of Lambo was twenty eight years old.

Maybe he'll be more mature... Tsuna thought watching as the newest Lambo fought Levi on a more even playing field.

"Ah, Tsuna-nii, it's great to see you again. I'm guessing it's my fight tonight? Ah~ I remember this night well. Levi-san, let's have a nice battle, why don't we?"

The friendly honorific did not go unnoticed by everyone else from this point in time, but it was not touched upon, and will not be talked about for a while.

The 28 year old Lambo fought against Leviathan for ten minutes, the 18 year old one had also been fighting for ten minutes. After ten minutes, he was caught between a rock and a hard place, and he switched with the original Lambo of this time.

Tsuna's eyes widened. This, this is the adrenaline rush I've been waiting for. Ah~! I'll keep you safe Lambo, don't you worry! Tsuna thought before slyly running in to save Lambo, only being noticed after the boy had been saved.

The Cervello had, of course, caught Tsuna. "For interfering with the lightning ring battle, you will be forced to forfeit both your half of the lightning ring and your half of the sky ring over to the Varia," The two girls said in sync.

Tsuna easily and quickly pulled off the rings from both his and Lambo's fingers before handing them to the pink haired girls. He had expected an unfair setback like this, so it came as no surprise to him when he was told he would still have a chance to fight for his ring.

Tsuna picked up the again terrified Lambo, and lead his family off of the roof, smirking to himself.

"Be ready, Varia. I believe in my family, and I know that they will not let me down~! There are just some things that you can't win with fear and intimidation alone~," Tsuna called over his shoulder as he passed through the doorway.


Okay, so- um... *ducks head* iloveyouguyssomuch! You're always so supportive, whether you comment or vote, or even if you're the silent readers, it makes me so happy to know that someone else enjoys reading this  as much as I enjoy writing it. Even those of you who just stopped by and read many or all of what I've done while voting on every chapter. this is getting really sappy, but, thanks you guys. Don't be afraid to tell me if I fucked anything up... Bye!

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