Chapter 22

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Kyoya avoided everyone the entire day leading up to his fight. No one could find him, and they didn't expect to. Once Kyoya decided he didn't want to be found he wouldn't be. The group respected his boundaries, knowing already that they pushed his limits on a daily basis.

Kyoya spent an hour at each undisclosed location he was at. Many times he spent hours back to back just using his flames to help increase his mobility. Using them to get from area to area, or using them to move through complicated buildings or forests.

If one ventured far enough into the center of certain forests you would find man made clearings, the effects of Kyoya's last minute training. Trees with bark torn off of them, fallen trees, divots in the ground, and many other signs screaming of Kyoya's presence.

No one knew who he was fighting. They had never seen the Varia cloud guardian, which means they weren't able to size the person up. Kyoya didn't know the height, couldn't guesstimate the weight. Nothing. He was training as equally as possible, wanting not to be thrown off guard because he focused on one aspect of his fighting abilities.

He spent up until the last possible moment training before showing up at the school for his fight. Apparently, he would be fighting some kind of robot? Which didn't make much sense, but if it could fight he would fight it, regardless of it making sense. Hayato had been really interested in what the Varia called a Gola Mosca. His first instinct had been to tear it apart and study it, but he knew he wasn't allowed near it for the duration of Kyoya's fight.

Takeshi had looked at it in awe, but didn't give it much thought. Other than it being bigger, it just looked like a simple robot to him. Tsuna, however, had gotten a weird feeling from it that he couldn't quite place. He couldn't tell you what, but something felt... off. He didn't know what to expect, but he had the utmost faith in Kyoya.

The Gola Mosca looked like some kind of humanoid robot, and as Kyoya fought it, he found that it shot bullets out of its finger tips. The ground they were fighting on was covered in pressure sensitive mines, spread randomly throughout. There was also a machine gun (apparently, though no one could figure out why thE FUCK THERE WAS A MACHINE GUN) that fired off at random intervals.

Kyoya quickly disposed of the Gola Mosca, being the quickest to finish his battle. He took both halves of the Cloud and clicked them into place. He slipped the ring onto his right middle finger and started to make his way off the field before Xanxus attacked him.

Xanxus was interested. This teen almost immediately, not only won his fight, but he beat the Gola Mosca. That meant he had to be strong. As they were fighting the Gola Mosca started up again, though this time it didn't have any limitations on it and attacked everything at random.

The Cervello weren't doing anything to stop the fight albeit Kyoya already having his ring, and Takeshi, Hayato and Ryohei as well as Chrome, Ken and Chikusa were in danger. Tsuna's handle on his anger and overprotectiveness was slowly slipping every time someone almost got hit.

Eventually he snapped. Tsuna lit his flames and went after the Gola Mosca. If the Cervello weren't going to fix this, he would. Regardless of whether or not they would lose the cloud ring. Kyoya and Tsuna were fighting Xanxus and the Gola Mosca respectively.

Kyoya and Xanxus were being shot at by the machine guns as the fought. Xanxus got cornered slightly and finally used some of his flames to block one of Kyoya's attacks. Tsuna lit his flames and created a barrier against an attack from the Gola Mosca, shielding Chrome and her two friends Ken and Chikusa.

The Mosca flew into the air with Tsuna trailing it and shot off three missiles before firing bullets at Tsuna. Tsuna tore off one of the arms of the machine and landed on the ground. The big hunk of metal fell out of the air and landed on the floor also.

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