Chapter 9

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(A/N): Thanks so goddamned much for 250 reads and almost 40 votes! It means a lot to know that people are actually reading and enjoying the shit storm that my brain comes up with! I hope you enjoy this chapter also! This chapter was 6441 words so I hope that makes up for such a long wait!


*With Our Tsuna*

"Where am I? I was hoping I didn't have to do anything for the rest of the night" Tsuna said aloud as the smoke cleared from in front of his face. Once it was gone, he noticed that he was in a big room with people who looked oddly familiar to some people he knew from where he was standing only moments ago. Looking more closely at the occupants in the room, they looked exactly the same as the people he could now call his friends, except for two.

There was a silverette in the in the room, who looked like Gokudera. Someone who looked like Yamamoto. Someone who looked like Ryohei, Kyoya, and an older version of the cow child he just met, but with straight hair. The two he didn't know included a female and male that looked like they could be twins, with hairstyles that strangely resembled purple pineapples. As if sensing the smaller boy's thoughts, the older-looking male pineapple growled under his breath while slowly starting to form his trident. The girl next to him put a hand on his arm, getting him to look at her, before shaking her head slowly making him put his trident away. Once the older people in the room got the bearings together, they remembered that at this point, the two pineapples in the room hadn't met their young boss. In order to not try and draw attention to the two, they completely ignored their presence, as if they weren't there, or didn't exist.

The first person to speak up was surprisingly the person who resembled his boyfriend. "Tsunayoshi, have you just met Lambo?" He asked with a deep voice. His voice snapped the others completely out of their thoughts as they paid attention to the answer that was about to come from their teenage boss. Tsuna looked directly at the older male and answered nonchalantly with a dismissive yeah. It irked the older man, but he did not show it, remembering the way his lover had acted when they were younger.

"But if you don't mind me asking, where am I, and could you specify who you are please?" Tsuna said resuming his observance of the beautiful room he was in. The room had a very high raised ceiling with an expensive chandelier dangling from it. The chandelier was made of either an extremely clean and pristine glass, or it was made of finely carved diamonds. Probably the latter~ He assumed in his head. The diamonds glittered prettily in the candle light that came from the candles it was holding up in their own places. The walls were a dark sunset orange that contrasted magnificently against the deep burgundy that lined each wall and spread designs throughout the walls.

Gokudera was the one to try and explain what had happened to his boss. "Well, it's not so much of a where that should bother you as a when." He said using small circular hand gestures as he talked. "You are ten years to the day in the future. You must have just gotten hit with the bazooka that Lambo carries on him. You only have five minutes in the future though, and your time here is almost up already though, so I'll try to explain this as quickly as possible."


*At the Same Time*

"You mean you came from ten years in the future?" Hana asked as she considered the possibility of this being real. The other kids in the room, except for Lambo as he had used the bazooka multiple times before, were also trying to wrap their heads around the fact that their boss/friend was just sent ten years into the future, only to be replaced with his ten years older self for the next five minutes.

"Yep, I won't leave for the next few minutes, and then you'll have your Tsuna of this time back with you" the older man now known as an older version of Tsuna said as he sat down on his old bed with a nostalgic feeling bubbling up in his chest. He looked around at the young faces of his friends, and then looked at his watch. 20:14~ One more minute till I go back to my time~ He thought as he looked back up at the faces. "Well, my time here will be up in a few seconds, so while I will not say goodbye, as goodbye means to forget, I will say until next time, because I have a feeling that we will all meet again sometime soon~" he said as he bowed at the waist and vanished in the same puff of pink smoke that had brought him there.

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