Chapter 23

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With the ring battles finally over, the gang of friends were able to return to school. Takeshi was excited to play baseball again, Ryohei was back into all his sports clubs, Kyoya was patrolling the school grounds, Hayato was able to talk to his UMA Club, but Tsuna? Tsuna was frustrated.

He had wanted to be able to find out where Verde was from Viper, but if even they didn't know, Tsuna would have to search deeper into the underground. There was only one other person he could think of that had the most connections.

He was sat in his class with Hayato, Kyoko, Hana and Takeshi when he pulled out his phone from his pocket. He hadn't wanted to talk to them though. They almost always derailed the conversation no matter how serious, and they were just all around annoying.

He sighed silently and tapped in an unsaved number. Tsuna didn't like talking to them so he didn't save their name and number, only memorizing it for situations like this. But he needed the information from them, so he would suck it up and talk to them.

I need a favor from you.

y do u need me? did u miss me?

No, of course not. You know I only
go to you when it's an
emergency. Don't fuck around,
I don't have the time.

okay, okay~
what do u need?
and y?

I need information.


Can you help me, or not?

who and what do u need info on?

I need to know his location.
Can you get it for me?

the Arco?
it'll cost ya

How much?
You know I'll pay any price.
ʳᵉᵃᵈ ¹²:³⁷

Tsuna sighed again and turned off his phone. He'd wait as long as needed to get this information. Once they had gotten to pricing, Tsuna knew they were taking him seriously.

He focused back in on class. Depending on a basic search, they would get back to him with the cost of the information.

Classes were as uninteresting as always, and waiting for a price range on Verde's location info all day has made Tsuna impatient. All day he was drumming his fingers on his desk, or tapping his foot, or shaking his leg. He just couldn't sit still. So when he felt his phone go off three hours later, he pulled it out quickly and checked the notification.

i've got ur info...
took a while to find him
but i've got him for u~

How much do you want for it?

$25,000 please and thank you~

Alright. Let me wire the money
to your account.
ʳᵉᵃᵈ ³:⁴²

Tsuna pulled the money from one of the Vongola's many decently unsupervised bank accounts and sent the money off.

thank. u~
i promise i'll tell u where
he is, but ur not gonna
like it very much...

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