Chapter 13

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Omg, you guys... We hit one thousand reads! In a matter of two months you guys have read this story 750 times, and I just wanted to thank you guys for your support. Don't forget to vote and comment, and I'll try to answer any questions y'all have for me. Hope you guys have a happy holiday!



When did I get to my room? Last I remember I was at... school... Shit. How badly did I hurt them? Are they okay? Will they even want to see me? Thoughts floated around in Tsuna's head as he thought about what he did to his friends. He hurt them. All because he saw... Estraneo...!

Tsuna pushed his covers off of him and rushed downstairs. He was surprised to see Mukuro on his couch, and was even more surprised to see that Kyoya was there and they weren't fighting with each other. When they heard Tsuna rushing down the stairs they snapped their heads to look at him.

He slowed to a walk before stopping in front of Kyoya. He bit his lip gently before he sat down next to the older boy. Tsuna's intuition told him that the two boys were in the house, and weren't in any life threatening danger from Tsuna's attacks earlier. He looked around out of the corner of his eyes watching as the people around him got more and more nervous the longer he didn't talk. He sighed before deciding to ask what they know before delving into unneeded details. He explained how seeing the name Estraneo seemed to have triggered memories and he lost control of his mind and body until Kyoya had come up on the roof.

"It's like... My brain doesn't recognize the lot of you as friends, so in order to 'protect' me, my mind put you guys under the enemy category. I can't help it right now. It also doesn't help that we haven't been friends for that long in total, so my subconscious, no matter how much I don't want to admit it, doesn't really think of you guys in positive ways. That's just how my subconscious is, it's the part of me that's still stuck in that Estraneo lab back in Italy," Tsuna said looking down at his hands. He didn't want to see any kind of disappointment or pity on their faces, so it was better to just not see any of their emotions at all.

However, in that moment, he missed the would be comforting looks on each of their faces. All he felt was Kyoya pull him onto his lap and Tsuna's face into the elder's chest. He sighed as he heard the others get up, thinking that they were leaving for Takeshi and Hayato. He didn't expect them to also join in the hug. It surprised him that they chose him, but what surprised him more was that Kyoya allowed them all so close without getting upset. He could feel Reborn hop into his lap as the girls each grabbed one of his hands. He could also feel the light, hesitant touches from Mukuro's fingers on his back as he tried to comfort him even though comforting was not something he normally did to people.

He tensed at first before relaxing into the warm feeling of his family members comforting him. He wrapped his arms lightly around Reborn testing the waters of what was allowed in the moment, and was pleasantly surprised when Reborn allowed Tsuna to actually hug him fully. A small genuine smile spread across his face as he realized that these were people who wouldn't leave him if he slipped into his old ways from when he broke out of the base.


Where am I? Hayato grunted in his head as he woke up, eyesight blurred slightly from his prolonged unconscious state. He looked around after clearing his eyes and noticed that he was in his room in the Sawada house. That meant that someone had taken him back to the house, meaning someone must have stopped Juudaime- Juudiame...! Hayato thought as he flung himself out of bed. He needed to make sure that Tsuna was okay. If he wasn't he couldn't call himself a proper right hand man of Tsuna. He opened his door loudly alerting the people downstairs that one of the two boys was up at that point. They could guess merely by the amount of noise who it was though.

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