Chapter 7

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Waking up in the middle of the night with a headache is something that can be considered normal for some people. With others, not so much, but with Tsuna, waking up with a headache is one of the worst things that could happen. Especially if he wakes up after only getting a few hours of sleep.

Sitting up quietly as to not disturb his brother or Reborn, Tsuna grips his head as he swings his legs over the side of the bed. As he quietly made his way to the bathroom, he grabbed his phone and checked the time.

Ugh... It's barely three in the morning, and I know I won't be able to go back to sleep after this... Tsuna sighed let's just hope that I don't kill someone on accident today if- no actually when I fall asleep in class... Tsuna thought as he grabbed some aspirin from the bathroom cabinet. Walking downstairs, he quickly made himself a cup of water and drank down the two pills he got for his head.

Knowing that these kinds of pills wouldn't be enough to kill the pain in his head, he placed them on the table, and sat down in one of the chairs at the said table. Massaging his head gently, he heard someone else get up from a bed, and start to head downstairs. Not wanting to scare them, Tsuna made his presence known, while also making sure he didn't seem like a random suspicious person that had broken into the house in the middle of the night.

Listening to the foot steps, he was able to tell who was coming towards the kitchen. Reborn... "Dame-Tsuna why are you up this early in the morning" And why couldn't I hear you get up until just now? Reborn thought as he made his way to the table. "Hmm? Oh, I woke up a few minutes ago with a headache, so I came down here to get some water to help me get these stupid pills down" Tsuna explained as he held out the two pills that he was going to take to slightly numb the pain in his head, in the palm of his hand.

Reborn eyed the pills and Tsuna suspiciously. Looking at Tsuna, he could see the bags under his eyes. Wondering why he never saw them before, Reborn realized that Tsuna must have been using makeup to cover his bags for the past few days. "Dame-Tsuna, you should go get some sleep. It's not good for you to be awake this early" Reborn said as he made himself a glass of water.

"Hmm, can't."


"Uh... Headache?"

"Just a headache? That's what's keeping you up?" Reborn asked. "Well yeah... Sometimes when I get headaches I can't go back to sleep because of the pain, and tonight is one of those nights" Tsuna said as he finally took the pills. Damn I hate these pills. They don't even really help with headaches. Tsuna thought as he scowled towards nothing.

"Why don't you get stronger medication?" Reborn asked hopping onto the table. "Umm... That's just not possible" Tsuna said trying to look everywhere except for Reborn's eyes. "Oh? And just how is that not possible? If you can't afford it, then just ask to borrow some money from Mamma" Reborn said raising one of his eyebrows. "Well this is the strongest stuff you can find... Anywhere..." Tsuna said as he went back upstairs to show Reborn the bottle of pills.

What kind of kid can take these strong of pills? And have them still not work...!? These might even be strong enough to knock me out... Nah... No way... That's just... Not possible... Reborn thought as he set the pills down on the table gently. "How many pills do you take for one headache? Just the two?" Reborn asked with a minuscule hint of worry visible in his eyes. "Umm, on normal days I don't need to take these, but if my head hurts like it does tonight, I'll take two every 3 hours..." Tsuna said trailing off at the end.

"How can you take that many without over dosing?" Reborn asked seriously worried for his student's health. "Oh... Umm, I have to start making breakfast now, so... Umm... Yeah" Tsuna said checking the time and standing up from his chair to start making breakfast for his friends and family.

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