Chapter 3

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"So, Dame-Tsuna, why didn't you want to talk to your father?" Reborn asked when he got upstairs.

"Well, he hasn't exactly been there for me and my brother. And all three of us know that Iemitsu never really is going to be there for us one hundred percent like an actual father and husband would be. The last time he came home was around 7 or 8 years ago. I don't know what it is, but I have a feeling like he'll be coming home soon, and I'll just have to act like his 'little Tuna-fish' for who knows how long, and then it'll just be 'bye-bye' again for another five shit years or so."

'That's not true... I know exactly what this feeling is... My HI is acting up... Hmm~ I guess we'll just have to see where this goes.'

"Does he even realize all the shit he's put my mother through?"

'Not to mention, that the time before last he was here, I got kidnapped and taken to Italy. At least I knew the language pretty well at that time, or I would have been so dead...' Tsuna thought with a far-away, and slightly dark look glossing over his eyes, like a thin layer of glass.

"Oh... huh, I knew he hadn't been home in a while, but I didn't think he hadn't been home for that long," Reborn muttered. Tsuna who had, of course, heard what he said, pretended like he didn't so Reborn wouldn't be suspicious.

They then heard the front door open, with a shout of, "I’m back, Mamma, Tsuna!" It didn't take long for the teenage brunette to stand up and walk downstairs to greet his brother, something he does every day, whether or not he came home first.

As Tsuna walked downstairs to greet said brother, Reborn was taking in all of the younger's appearance. Three years younger, four inches shorter, same spiky hair, though he was blonde, slightly slimmer appearance, wider eyes, and slightly darker skin than Tsuna.

'Of course, he would be watching our interactions and speculating on me and my brother's actions. It only makes sense, I am his charge.' "Ie, Mamma has dinner ready for the both of us so why don't we go in the kitchen and eat?" Tsuna said enthusiastically since his mother's cooking was always the best.

"Tsuna, you sound like a little kid with the way you act over food..." Ieyasu said sighing, but not disagreeing since he also loved his mother's home cooking.

"Tsu, Iemitsu wanted me to pass on a message... Do you want to know what it is?" Nana asked slowly, as to not break her child more than he already is.

"Sure..." Tsuna said looking at his mother who was straight ahead of him, but also keeping a close eye on Reborn. 'I might as well keep my guard up for a while around him, but not too mu- AHH! He stole my food!'

"Ok, well, Iemitsu said that he will be home soon, but he didn't tell me exactly when," Nana said while keeping a seemingly straight face, even though on the inside everyone, except for Reborn was cursing him out silently in their heads.

"Ok, Mamma! Just call us if he arrives one day while we are at school, so we are prepared when he comes home... We don't want anymore, umm, surprises," Ieyasu said before Tsuna could say anything that would give anything away to Reborn.


*8 Years ago*

"Tuna-fish, Ieyasu, Nana! I'm ho-!" Unfortunately (not really) Iemitsu's sentence had to be cut short as to dodge a knife that had embedded itself into the wall near his head. "Woah! Nana! Is this your new security system? It's so cool!" he said while pulling the knife out of the wall just to see how far it actually went onto the wall, oblivious to the 9 and-a-half-year-old kid standing at the top of the stairs with his arm stretched out in a throwing position. Little Tsu pulled his arm back in hastily when he noticed his 'father' turning around.

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