Chapter 4

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The next morning, at the ass crack of dawn, Reborn is walking over towards the bed the brothers were now both in with a green mallet that says 10 tons on it. Like the hitman he is, he jumps on the bed without waking up either of them and raises the mallet over his head. He then swings down saying, "Time for the way the Vongola wakes up."

Tsuna, still mostly asleep, doesn't realize that Reborn is one who is swinging the mallet, rolls him and his brother out of the way milliseconds before the mallet hits them. Reborn sees this and is more than surprised yet again, but doesn't show it more than his eyes widening a fraction of a fraction. 'That Iemitsu... He really hasn't been home in a while... To not know that his own son can dodge literally in his sleep... that must mean he doesn't even have anyone to watch over his family in his absence.'

"Ieyasu, Tsuna, wake up! Ah, Ieyasu, you're the first one up. Wake up your brother for me then. He doesn't seem to want to wake up for me, and I want an espresso right now," Reborn said hopping off of the bed, and slowly walking towards the door so he can see how to wake Tsuna up for future references.

"Hmm, what should I use this morning? Not something too bad. Oh, I know! Tsuna, He's here!" Ieyasu said in Tsuna's ear.

"Ah, is he really!? Ah! I'm up, I'm up! I'll be down in just a sec! Ah, my uniform! There it is! And it's on! Downstairs, we go! Food! I'll see-" Tsuna stopped suddenly when he caught a glimpse of the clock that beside the front door. "Dammit, Ieyasu! You did it again!?" Tsuna said while stomping upstairs, loosening his tie, but not taking it off fully, and laying back down on the bed they shared.

"Ah, yeah sorry 'bout that... Reborn asked me to wake you up today since I was the first one up out of the two of us," Ieyasu said while scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

"Ah, fine, but use another method next time! Don't get my hopes up if he's not really there!" Tsuna said hitting his brother on the back of the head.

"Tsuna, who is this 'He'?" Reborn asked suspicious of the way Tsuna was overly excited compared to when he asked about his father and last night when he came back in the room like something or someone had just died.

"Oh! He-he's... well... he's just-"

"He's just Tsuna's boyfriend!" Ieyasu said cutting Tsuna off with a smirk. Tsuna, who had a look of horror on his face at first, slowly blushed until he was the color of Enma's hair.

"Ieyasu, why? I don't need you spreading shit like that around the house, or school for that matter," Tsuna added quickly when he saw the mischievous look on his brother's face.

"Hmm~ I'll think about it!" Ieyasu said running downstairs towards the kitchen to escape his older brother, and to get food.

"Dammit, Ieyasu, you bitch!" Tsuna laughed, following his brother down the stairs to the kitchen also.

"Tsu! Glad you are up! I made you and Ieyasu lunch for school, so don't forget them!" Nana said in her cheery voice before setting three plates of food down on the table. They ate in a comfortable silence, listening to the birds outside chirping, looking at the morning dew on the grass outside glistening in the early morning sunrise and hearing the leaves in the trees rustle in the slight breeze outside.

After finishing their breakfasts, Tsuna and Ieyasu wash the dishes and finish getting ready for school. Leaving the house each shout a, "See you after school" to their mother, and walk out the doorway, Reborn sitting on Tsuna's head. They walk for fifteen minutes with Ieyasu before parting ways to let him go to Nami Middle and for Tsuna to go to Nami High. Tsuna slowed his walk when he was five minutes from his school to be almost late, but just barely making it in time. Reborn, who was still on his head, obviously noticed and marked it as just another one of the weird things that his new student does on a daily basis.

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