Chapter 21

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The next day went by quickly and lead up to Takeshi's fight. Takeshi was more relaxed than anyone, him being the rain was more than helpful for that.

He was confident in his swordsmanship, and he thanked his father for it. Takeshi was sharpening his sword and thanking his father in his head for teaching him as much as he did in the little time they had.

He knew that he was steady, but there was still the underlying fear of losing. If he were to lose this fight, the Varia would have four of the seven rings, and while the rest of the guardians would still have to fight, the Varia would have the majority win.

Takeshi took a calming breath. He had this. He could do this.

Takeshi was to fight against Squalo, the guardian of the same element. They were set up against each other in another section of the school. This time, the school was filled with water, and had a shark or two swimming around in the aforementioned water.

Squalo insulted the younger teen's swordsmanship as their weapons clashed against one another's. They moved quickly, swords slicing through the air as if it was butter, hopping from level to level as the amount of water in the building increased.

Takeshi had a few cuts on his body and his clothes, but so did Squalo. Takeshi was slowly getting the upper hand, and was laughing off any insult directed at him.

Squalo's injuries had gotten worse, but they were mostly blunt force injuries. "VOI! YOU CAN'T WIN IF YOU DON'T FIGHT AS IF YOU INTEND TO KILL ME! DON'T MAKE THIS TAKE ANY LONGER THAN IT HAS TO, AND JUST GIVE ME THE DAMN RING!" Squalo yelled to Takeshi.

"But I don't want to hurt too badly though! If I can incapacitate you then I don't have to kill you," Takeshi said, only angering Squalo even more.

Squalo's started attacking more vigorously, not understanding the boys logic. He grew up in a place where you had to fight for your life at all times; kill or be killed.

Takeshi was looking for an opening. Something, anything. Not there... not yet... no... come on... where... when... there!

Takeshi swung his sword blade first before flipping it as to not hurt the other man. He had caught the older man with a pressure point on the back of his neck as Squalo was pulling his sword back.

Squalo was knocked out and fell to the side. His unconscious body fell towards the still rising water. Shit Takeshi thought dropping his sword and reaching out for the other man.

But he didn't make it. Squalo's body fell into the water and slowly sank down. Takeshi panicked and was about to jump in before Tsuna yelled at him, "Yamamoto Takeshi, I will absolutely not allow you to go in after him. He lost, and whether or not he lives is none of our business right now. You are not to go after him do you understand? You are my guardian, and I will not stand here while you sign your own death warrant. Squalo is the responsibility of his own Sky as you are mine. Please, come back here."

Takeshi gave the water that was still ever rising one last look before he picked up both swords and returned to his Sky's side. It hurt to know that he just potentially killed a man, but he knew he would have to get used to it, whether or not he liked it.

The Cervello had taken their rings prior to the fight in order to prevent one or both being lost in the case of either falling into the water. They walked up to Takeshi and handed him his ring before walking off. Takeshi slipped it on his finger before walking home with Tsuna, Hayato and Lambo.

Lambo had fallen asleep in Tsuna's arms a while ago. They walked back in silence, Takeshi watching the stars, Tsuna watching Lambo's sleeping face and Hayato watching their surroundings. Reborn had come to the battle as always, but this time he left before the fight was over. He didn't explain why, he just... left.

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