Chapter 5

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Ring... Ring... Ring... Ring... Click

"Hello? Reborn? Was there something you needed?" Nonno asked wondering why not only would Reborn call, but why he would call so late.

"Yes. I had a question about the Sawada family's past. Did anything major happen within the pas few years?" Reborn asked watching Tsuna and Kyoya leave the roof and start walking towards Tsuna's home.

"'Anything major'? Not that I know of, or that was reported... Why? Is something wrong? You know if you need I'll look into anything to help my grandson." Nonno said while putting back a stack of paper he had just finished signing with a small sigh of relief.

"Yeah... I'm gonna need you to look into anything that has to do with around seven to eight years ago, the last time Iemitsu supposedly had come home before now. I... Don't exactly know what's going on, but I will figure it out.". Reborn said hanging up, and hopping out of the tree he was perched in and waking towards the Sawada household.


"I'm back, and I brought Kyoya to eat with us is that ok?!" Tsuna said walking through his front door, no evidence that he was crying just a few minutes earlier. "Of course Tsu-kun! Kyo-kun make yourself at home as usual! Dinner will be ready in about ten to fifteen minutes, ok? Be at the table by then!" Nana said while Tsuna was dragging Kyoya up the stairs.

"Car-Omnivore, where is that child that was with you this morning?" Kyoya said correcting himself with a small glare from said "omnivore" in front of him. "Hmm? Oh he'll probably be back soon, he is staying here you know~!" Tsuna replied as his eyes landed on his brother and he gave him a kiss on the forehead with a quiet "I'm home" before walking towards one of the seemingly infinite guest bedrooms in the house.

"He's on his way back to the house now, and I am having a hard time trying not to lash out and break something. I'll need to fight you again soon, but somewhere away from prying eyes. It would be problematic if my past was found out too soon." Tsuna said laying back on the small twin size bed in the room while Kyoya just stands in a corner as always. "Hn. We can fight sometime tomorrow is that good?" Kyoya asked trying to get rid of his carnivores problem as soon as possible before someone gets seriously or too hurt.

"Nah~ can't~, study session with Kyoko and Hana after school. Would take too long. How about the day after that? I don't have anything planned for then, so it shouldn't be that hard to get away sometime after school to spar with you." Tsuna said knowing that with his facade he didn't have too many other people to talk to or meet up with, so he wouldn't have many or any plans at all.



"Tsu-kun, Ieya-kun, Kyo-kun! Dinner is ready! Come downstairs!" Nana shout, sticking her head out of the kitchen and into the hallway.

"Coming!" Tsuna shouted walking down towards the kitchen with Kyoya and Ieyasu trailing not far behind. As they sat down at the table Tsuna noticed that Reborn had entered the house. Through where exactly? His bedroom window.

Not wanting to deal with Reborn just yet, he ignored, and pretended that he didn't notice the aura of a pissed off hitman entering the house. "Oh, Reborn-kun! You're back! Come, eat dinner with us!" Nana said getting up to set up another plate of food for Reborn to eat.

"Hai, Mamma" Reborn said hopping up onto the chair placed between Nana and Ieyasu. They ate their dinner in a comfortable silence with small chatter between Nana, Ieyasu, and Reborn. After dinner Tsuna and Ieyasu washed everyone's dishes and headed upstairs with Kyoya and Reborn right behind them.

Kyoya ended staying the night saying something about 'it now being to late to head home, so he'll just stay here for the night in one of the guest rooms'. Tsuna and Ieyasu slept in their normal bed in their own room, with Reborn in his hammock also in their room.

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