Chapter 1

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I wake to the annoying sound of my alarm clock, just like everyday. I throw the duvet off my figure and get out of bed dreading work. I've never really liked work, at first I loved it. Going through the same routine every day got old. All the girls talk about the boy they love but me I'm on my own. Wanting more, needing more to my life then just this.

This old repetitious life is suffocating. I crave more.

I start my brewer my parents got me last Christmas and decide on some French Vanilla coffee. It's one of my favorites. I pull down my favorite mug for the library.

Checking the time I realize I'm a little behind. I walk quickly out of my kitchen and back to my room to get ready. I put my mess of light brown ombre sun kissed blonde curls into a messy bun, not wanting to fix it.  I then go to my closet and decide on a cute blue button up and some simple black leggings, with my black flats. Way to go Maddison, I say to myself proud that I got ready just in time. I've always hated make up so I don't really have to worry about that. I fix my coffee and head out locking the door to my otherwise shitty apartment.

I've had my car since high school and I love it. It's old but I absolutely love it. It's a 2002 Jetta my parents got it for me used as a graduation present and here I am 4 years later and it's still running. I get my usual spot in the car park.

Inside I'm greeted with the snide giggles of the annoying girls.

"Hey Ms.Quinn how was your night?" one of them asks.

"I prefer Maddison, thank you." I say ignoring her question.

"Well 'Maddison' how was your night then?" she asks again.

"Jesus it was so nice!" I say annoyed.

They giggle. They can laugh and giggle all they want but I'm not going to have it.

"I do believe putting those damned books back was your job this time girls and my was checking books in and out." I say seeing the pile of books still on the front desk.

"Nope I believe it was your job." she says.

"Bitch." I mumble lowly as I take the pile of books in my arms.

If I could smack each of them as hard as I could, I would definitely do it because they all most certainly deserve it. I begin putting away the books in there appropriate places on the individual shelves. I get asked where a certain book is when I'm done putting away the books and I politely show the person where it is.

I decide to steer clear of the girls and grab my coffee and walk around the library. I've dealt with them since day one here at the library. I've disliked them since day one. I wish I was happy, but I don't feel that way. The life I have now drains every ounce of happy from me.

To pass more time I straighten the books on the shelves, I check my small wrist watch. I've passed time quite well it's 4 in the evening so I have only 5 more hours here. Thank goodness.

I continue my patrol down the isles one by one. I spot a small white paper on the floor I walk over and pick it up. It's too dark down this isle to read it. So I move to some light and unfold the crumbled up piece of paper. The same girl walks up to me before I can even open it and I quickly stuff it in my bra because I have no pockets. It will have to wait until closing when everyone is gone.

"Something you need?" I ask her pretending to straighten the book shelf.

"Yes actually some woman is checking out too many books. I don't know what to do." she says.

"They can check out as many as they'd like!" I say moving past her.

I walk to the desk where a older woman stands with an arm full of books.

"Hello m'am I'm so sorry, about that let me help you." I say.

She places the books on the counter and I begin checking them out one by one.

"You can always check out as many as you'd like, your date to bring them back is on the receipt." I smile and give her the books.

"Such a sweet girl, thank you." the old lady says and walks out the library.

"There's no policy about anyone checking out a certain number of books." I say checking the time again.

1 hour until closing yes! Time sure did fly indeed.

"You girls can go early it's not like you are doing anything anyway." I say.

"You're not the boss." Carly says.

"No she isn't, but I am. Go on and leave." Mrs. Preston says.

They all squeal to themselves and start talking about their boys on the way out.

"You know Ms. Quinn I'm quite happy you're not like them." Mrs. Preston says leaning against the desk.

"Please call me Maddison." I smile.

"Sorry, it's only a few minutes until closing why don't you go as well and I'll close up." Mrs. Preston says.

"No Mrs. Preston, I can do it. I've got nothing to do. You have a husband to go home to." I smile again.

"Thank you darling." she smiles grabbing her bag from underneath the desk and leaves.

It's only me now time to read that paper.


A cleaning lady for Mr. Styles. Pays 32. 90 an hour. Wanted to clean on M-F. If interested please contact #### or email hilarysteeney @

I excitedly take my phone out once I close the library out.

Once I'm home I turn on my laptop and bring up my email.

To: hilarysteeney @
Subject: Job sign

Hello, my name is Maddison Quinn. I saw the help sign and I'm certainly interested! My contact information to which I can be reached by is this email through which I'm emailing you or my number ####. Thank you! I hope to hear a response from you!

Yours with great pleasure,
Maddison Quinn xxx

I can't help the excited butterflies I feel in my stomach as I lay in bed and go to sleep.

Authors note:

Alright that's the first chapter! I can't wait to hear your responses!

Please vote and read!

All the love B xxx

Secrets of Mr.Stylesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें