Chapter 15

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It's about two in the afternoon and I can fully talk again. I haven't seen or talked to Harry since that argument.

I wonder if he will actually pick me up like he said or if he'll just get Zayn or Louis to do it. I wonder if he stayed the entire time I was at the hospital totally out of it.

I pad over to the mirror hanging above the sink in my room. I study myself, I notice the imprint of Liam's fingers where he held my arms back forcefully, I run my fingers over the bruises they are still sensitive causing me to wince at the contact. I look at my arm where the IV was removed during my struggle. A massive bruise surrounds the wound. Even with the bandage the bruise is still evident. Damn him. I don't want anybody to see these, they're ugly.

I look through my bag for a long sleeve sweater praying I find one. Yes! I pull it out and pull it over my head quickly. I check myself in the mirror. No one can see anything from what he gave me.

I should've known he wasn't going to come, silly me. Who was I to think that he would? He probably left here and went home, home, where he drowns his self in alcohol and painful memories. My hands reach in my bag absentmindedly and pull out the two pictures Harry showed me that night.

I take this time to study her, the ever so beautiful Ellie. Everything about her she's more perfect then what I'll ever be. Her eyes are a perfect set of blue, her hair is curly and messy but a gorgeous brown. She's tall and skinny and perfect. She's with Harry in the picture, the background is filled with people holding cups and it's dark. She's smiling laughing even and clinging to Harry. Harry has his nose nuzzled into her hair with an impeccably beautiful smile. A real smile. That was before he found himself in that awful predicament. Losing her in the worst way. The baby. I shuffle the photo to the front and sit down on the bed.

I can't help the tears I feel as I realize just how happy he was with them. The baby would of been gorgeous, it would've had the best parents. I can't help the tears as they fall. I hug Ellie and the baby to my chest.

"Are you ready?" Harry's voice comes from no where.

I jump up and wipe the tears away.

"Harry I didn't hear you come in." I say clearing my throat.

"You okay?" he questions.

"I'm good, the question is are you? Your eyes are red, and you look terrible." I say.

He grabs my bag for me then takes my hand. He's quiet too quiet.

"Harry?" I say softly once we're in the elevator alone.

"Yes?" he says.

"I love you." I say.

He presses his mouth in a line. He turns to look at me.

"I know Mads I'm trying." he exhales.

He places his hand on my cheek and caresses it with his thumb. He moves his hand to where he can trace my mouth with his thumb. He leans down and kisses me for the first time in a while.

"I have missed those lips." Harry says when we part. 

I smile and step off the elevator when it dings.

I still have so much I want to ask him. Did he know that Liam left? Did he make him leave? Why didn't he tell me about Louis?

When we walk outside I immediately cling to Harry, I still have fear even though I haven't seen him for same amount of time either. It scares me. He scares me now.

It's not long after we exit the hospital that a black SUV pulls up and stops directly in front of us. The same guy from the library comes around the car and opens the door for Harry then I climb in behind him. I assume that's Zayn.

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