Chapter 20

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The wind is cool against my face as I run down the hill going no where. Where am I going? My hands rest on my stomach as I run. I'm aware this is not the best thing to be doing while with child. He changed in a matter of seconds and it scares the shit out of me. I'm walking when my mind catches up with my feet. I don't have any clue where I am. The shopping strip is no where in sight. Don't panic it's okay, I tell myself. I just need to get a cab and go back to the house. I don't want to face Harry though, I can't. A shallow pain makes itself known in my chest.

I thought I knew everything I needed about him. There's still so many secrets he hasn't told me. That scares me too especially because they change him. One second he's over protective then he just turns harsh. I come to a full stop and take a deep breath. I need to call Harry, it's not like he can't trace my call. I don't know the address of the house. I can't remember what beach Harry said it was on. I take my phone out my pocket and sit on the sidewalk bring my knees to my chest I call Harry.

"Maddison where the hell are you?" he snaps.

"I don't know trace the call." I say simply.

"I'm-" he starts.

"Stop! I do not want to hear it right now Harry! Just come get me and do not touch me!" I snap and hang up.

I really don't want to hear it. I'm angry, hurt, and scared of him all at once. I sure hope that house has a guest room. Only minutes later a familiar SUV pulls up and comes to a stop in front of me. I stand quickly and brush myself off. Harry jumps out and goes to touch me but I move away from his touch.

"I said don't touch me!" I snap letting my anger show.

He drops his hands to his sides and his facial expression changes instantly. I know he's realized how fucked up it was what he did. I sit as far over as possible and wipe a tear from my eyes. I can't let him see me cry. I look out the window putting both my hands on my stomach. I'm tired beyond tired. My eyes begin to feel heavy and as the street lights outside flash by my eyes drift shut sleep overtakes me.


"Ms. Quinn wake up m'am you're back home." Mason wakes me.

I blink my eyes open waking up and I see Harry walking up the path. My anger grows but I can not stress too much it's unhealthy for the baby. I need to calm down.

"Thank you, sir." I say with a polite smile.

"No worries, m'am. Please call me Mason." he says.

"Alright Mason, please call me Maddison." I say.

He nods and shuts the door when I climb out. I'm hungry beyond belief so when I see Mason grab the grocery bags and pizza from the trunk. I jump on the inside with joy.

"Where do you want these?" Mason asks once inside.

"Just on the counter please, thank you." I say.

He nods and sits the things on top of the counter. I wait for him to leave before I completely pig out after putting the ice cream and other things away. I grab me a plate and start to eat. She loves it. Pizza is her favorite. I smile and happily chew the pizza because it's the one food I can eat without getting sick. Smells and all. Nothing about it makes me sick. I put the plate in the sink and the left over pizza in the fridge. I pad up the stairs and to our bedroom where I see Harry outside on the balcony. I'm only grabbing my pjs and then I'm going to the other room.

I quickly grab them and the two pictures of Ellie and their baby. I leave Harry with one of our pictures of ours. I search door by door upstairs and don't find the guest room.

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