Chapter 2

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The next morning I wake up to my phone ringing. I absentmindedly grab it and answer it.

"Hello." I say tiredly.

"Hello Ms. Quinn this is Mr. Styles' assistant, and I have seen your email. I have talked to Mr. Styles and he says to interview you as soon as possible. How does 4:30 sound?" she says cutting it short.

I sit up excitedly suddenly wide awake.

"Yes of course!" I say a little too excitedly.

Why am I so excited? It's just another job but cleaning why am I feeling so excited?

"Great come by the office at 4:30." she says plainly.

"Okay." I say simply.

I've got to get off early. So I text my boss and tell her I'm getting off at 3:50 so I have extra time if need be. Mr. Styles I've never heard of him, I've heard the girls giggling about him before saying how absolutely gorgeous he is.

I take this time to grab my laptop and search Mr. Styles into the google. A blurb of information pops up, along with a load of pictures. I read the information. It says the simple things but not his first name. Why isn't his first name on here? I decide to click on the picture.

 Why isn't his first name on here? I decide to click on the picture

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Wow he's gorgeous. I can see what all the fuss is about. I find myself biting my lip at his beauty.

My boss texts me back and says I can have the day off. I give it a glance and go back to clicking on the pictures. I need to stop but can't.

My cat Biscuit hops on my bed scaring the hell out of me. He meows over and over. That means he's hungry and I'm glad he waited until I was up to let me know about his hunger.

I got Biscuits last year from the animal shelter. He was a kitten and his mother had gotten hit by a car so they were abandoned. He was the odd ball of the litter the smallest one of them all. He was like me in just about every way. I knew he was my cat from the moment I saw him all alone in the corner of the cage.

I was always alone in just about everything, school, work, home you know. No one really liked me in school for whatever reason I was usually sat alone at lunch, and everything. I remember in elementary school I was really close with this other girl. Then that came and went and I never talked to her again. Work was the library my first job and I've been there since, alone because those girls never fancied me either. Home was always busy. My parents were always at work my little sister Elizabeth was always out with her friends or boyfriend. Crazy how she had it all. I love my family dearly but being alone all the time because they had other matters more important than me obviously was terrible.

"Alright Biscuits come on." I say leaving the pictures up of Mr. Styles on my laptop.

I feed Biscuits his favorite wet food and he eats every bit of it.

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