Chapter 42

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The time seems to tick slower and slower. Harry has been in surgery for hours. As much as I want to sit down I can't, my mind races with the worst possible things. I'm hoping for the best but expecting the worst. Penny's cry from across the waiting room instantly snaps me from my thoughts.

"It's okay Maddison I've got her." Zayn assures.

I return to looking out the window at the cityscape. My mum has no idea what's happened, neither does Harry's mum. Both should know but I'm just so focused on Harry and the need for him to survive. I'm scared more than anything. I haven't stopped crying since.

"Maddison come sit down yeah?" Zayn says.

I cross the waiting room sitting next to him where he wraps an arm around me. I reach for Penny and rock her she's all I would have left of him. I close my eyes and try to relax, Zayn's arm still wrapped around me offering comfort.

"He can't die Zayn. He just can't." I say.

"Hey! Don't go thinking like that, he's a strong man. He'll make it." Zayn assures.

"Yeah you're right." I say.

"Come on then stop crying you're going to make yourself dehydrate." Zayn giggles.

I take a deep breath and calm myself down.

"Maddison! What happened?" I jerk my head up to see Louis and Liam approaching me.

"Harry got shot and I just calmed the girl down now sit down and hush!" Zayn warns.

They put their hands up in front of them and sit in the chairs across from us. Penny has fallen asleep thankfully. I should too but I can't not until I know he's okay.

"Waiting for Harry Styles?" a doctor says from the door.

I carefully get up holding Penny and walk to the doctor followed by Liam.

"Tell me he's okay?" I say as Liam rubs my arm for comfort.

"He's stable for now, the bullet lodged in his left kidney as a result we had to remove the whole kidney. Everything now is up to Mr. Styles on whether he recovers, an injury like this does take time to recover from but he should make it." the doctor explains.

"Can I see him?" I say.

"Of course."

The doctor then leads me back to the room of which Harry is in. He opens the door for me as my arms are full with Penny. He shuts the door behind me as I step inside. Harry's body is hooked to various machines and an IV. His side wrapped in a bandage and he has breathing mask on.  I walk to the bedside and sit in the chair. I grab his hand and squeeze it gently.

"I'm here now." I say.

My mum comes and takes Penny for me. For the first time I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

I wake to a hand rubbing my hair gently. I blink my eyes open and lift my head up.

"Mads." Harry's raspy voice says.

"Thank god!" I say feeling a huge weight lift off my chest as the tears fall down my cheeks again.

"Hey, I'm okay. Don't cry." Harry says softly.

"You could've died Harry! That thought alone scared the hell out of me!" I say my voice shaky.

"But I didn't I'm okay." Harry assured.

"Who did this to you?" my voice low.

"It happened fast," he pauses, "all I remember is my name being called and a loud bang and seeing Zayn over me that's it."

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