Chapter 29

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~1 month later~

I look through my clothes trying to decide what to wear something simple but nice will do since I haven't seen them since I left well over a year ago. I decide on a black and grey striped jumper with black leggings and my red coat and my brown Saint Laurent boots Harry got me.

I check myself in the mirror I look okay

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I check myself in the mirror I look okay. As always but that's my own opinion. I turn and look at Harry who is sliding on his black jeans and his leather Saint Laurent boots. He stands upright and opens his dresser pulling a white cotton v neck out. He puts it on reaching in his closet he pulls out his brown leather coat.

He looks hot, better than me

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He looks hot, better than me.

"Ready beautiful?" he questions.

I exhale and nod.

"Yeah I'm ready." I say.

I grab my purse and quickly grab the scan pictures of Penny putting them in there because I know my mum will love to see them. I make sure I grab every single one of them even the first scan picture when she only looked like the size of a quarter. I see the picture of Ellie and Harry and their baby's scan picture. Should I grab them? I reach for them but stop and shut the drawer.

"You have their gifts? Elizabeth's? Mums? Dads? Your families?" I question going over the mental checklist I've made.

"Yes Zayn has already put them up." he explains.

I give him a nod okay we have everything.

"We got to go the plane is leaving soon and we're not flying on mine so time does matter right now." he explains.

I grab his hand scanning the room one last time before we leave.

Inside the car as we drive to the airport my mind goes to my dad. I'm most afraid of what he will think and do. None of them know about who Harry used to be and still is some what. They don't really need to know. It's actually none of their business. My dad is just as bad as Harry, he's an alcoholic still however Harry isn't. Harry proved to me he's changed through out and my dad never even tried. How can my mum love such a man like him? How did I become a part of them, how was I born if this is how he was? Maybe he wasn't always like this? I shake my head I'm not going to dwell on this.

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