Chapter 7

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I haven't been so nervous about getting toured around anywhere before, but as we start I feel nothing but that. Harry is leading me around holding my right wrist in his hand.

"I'm going to show you your room first." he says. 

"Okay." I say.

I wonder if anyone else as in girls or Submissives have stayed in here, I thought about it before.

"This is your room." he says as we reach a door upstairs at the end of the hall.

He opens the door and pushes it open.

I gasp

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I gasp. It's gorgeous, I love the bed set. The color, everything, I love it. It has a gorgeous window with an amazing view. I bite my lip I need to ask him, I don't want to stay in a room where tons of other girls have stayed.

"Harry, how many girls or Submissives have stayed in here?" I question.

"Girls 5, no Submissive has stayed in here before you're the first." he explains.

"Five?" I say.

He nods.

"I don't want to stay in here, it's beautiful and I love it but I don't want to stay in here if 5 others have." I say.

"Well if it makes you feel any better none of them stayed overnight, they only slept to gather enough strength then left. I made sure of that Ms. Quinn." he says.

"That does make me feel better." I say.

"Everything in this room is changed since then I've not had any other girls in proper months." he says.

"So this isn't the same stuff they slept on or anything? You didn't do them in here did you?" I question.

"Enough questions. Come on." he reaches out his hand and I extend mine he takes my wrist and leads me out and down the hall.

"Remember the rule don't go in certain rooms?" he says.

"Yes sir." I say.

"I'm going to show you them now but we are only going in some." Harry says.

I nod. He leads me to the door to those stairs from earlier. He opens it then looks at me and I can't read the emotion in his face.

"You are not to go up these stairs at all. It's the attic and you are to stay out. Understand?" he says sternly but calm.

"Yes." I say.

"Yes what?" he squeezes my wrist gently.

"Yes sir." I say and almost roll my eyes.

"Good girl." he smirks.

He shuts the door rather hard and it slams it makes me jump.

"Next." he says.

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