Chapter 30

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As my dad takes a drink from his glass I sit as far from him as I possibly can. He slams his glass down seeing my actions. I jump at the sudden thud. Harry places his hand on my thigh protectively.

"He tries to touch you he'll be sorry." Harry whispers.

My mum comes out with plates. Our plates.

"Oh mum I could've got mine and Harry's let me get them okay?" I say and stand.

She gives me a nod placing my dads plate in front of him. My dads eyes fall to my bump and widen. I go to the kitchen ignoring his look and start fixing our plates. I put extra potatoes and carrots on my plate. I carry my roll in my mouth and put Harry's on his plate. I bring our plates back and sit Harry's in front of him and mine in my spot.

"This roast looks delicious Mrs. Quinn." Harry says.

"Well it's not going to feed us itself let's eat." she says.

I smile and nod. I take my fork shoveling in a piece of meat.

"Mum it's soo good." I say as my mouth waters.

I keep darting my eyes to my dad who hasn't touched his food really and has only kept drinking. My heart is racing with fear and nervousness. We finish our plates and my dad clears his throat.

"So Maddison when did you plan to come and see me? Tell me about that," he points down at my stomach, "why the hell didn't you tell me?"

"Walter stop it. Please just be happy she's here." Mum says.

"Be quiet! Tell me Maddison when did you plan to tell me? When did you open your legs for this man?!" he pushes on and on.

"You wanna know why daddy? My sweet dear daddy?! I didn't tell you because deep down inside I knew you'd be the same asshole you were when we were kids! I didn't tell you because of that and because you don't give a shit! About me, about mum, about Elizabeth! It's all about you! I don't need to tell you anything father!" I snap.

His glass flies right by my face just missing it and hits the wall shattering to pieces. I look over at my mum her face is in her hands.

"You know dad if you weren't drinking booze everyday and hitting mum I might actually be able to stand you. I love you dad but right now I can't stand you for the father and husband you never were to us." I start to cry.

"I never thought you'd be so stupid to get pregnant at this age! You opened your legs to this man!"

I stand angrily and march right to his seat my fist balled at my sides. I slap my father in his face.

"Maddison!" Harry wraps his arms around my arms so I can't move.

My dad stands fuming and that's when Harry puts me behind him.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on her! Your wife, or Elizabeth! That's just wrong! We're off to bed goodnight everyone." Harry says.

I stomp up the stairs and into my room. I sit angrily on the bed. I feel a tear roll down my cheek then more, I have a terrible habit of crying when I get really angry.

"I'm sorry baby." Harry says sitting next to me he pulls me into his side.

"I just hate him for who he is and what he does." I say leaning into him resting my head on his shoulder.

"If that glass would've hit you I don't know what I would've done." Harry says.

"I do and I don't want that to happen because I need you here with me. He's an ass and loves to provoke me like he always does." I say sadly.

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