Chapter 14

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"Mads can you hear me?" I can faintly hear his voice.

I weakly open my eyes and see Harry.

"Harry." I say before I go back out.


When I wake again, I have no idea how long I've been out. I'm not home. I'm not at Harry's. I blink my eyes and adjust to my surrounding. How long have I been out?

My eyes meet the ceiling of the room I'm in. I look down my feet are covered in a blanket, I look to the left where the beeping of the monitor registers. Then to my right the IV bag hangs from a stand. In the corner is someone I can't see.

"Harry?" I say in a hoarse voice.

I hear him trip a little.

"Shit." he mumbles.

"Harry? What happened?" I question.

"You got quite the spell on you," he starts and leans up kissing my head, "you collapsed from the looks of it and hit your head, you had to get stitches for that nothing major, but you came down with a mad spell of Pneumonia."

"Crap!" I try to say loudly but fail it comes out in a squeak.

I reach for something to type with my phone. I reach towards it and Harry hands me it. I type in a question regarding my precious kitty Biscuits.

"He's fine I got Louis with him, I've told him not to leave and to not make a mess of the place either." Harry smiles.

I don't ever recall seeing him smile quite like this and I must say I love it.

"What do you remember happening?" Harry questions after a brief silence.

"Well I started my tea and got everything out for it, then I kept getting hot then cold on and off so I went upstairs for my thermometer and it was too high so I tried to find some Tylenol then that's when it went black." I recall but quickly swallow the horrible dryness in my throat.

"I'm happy I got there when I did. You nearly had no place the whole stove was about to catch I heard the whistling and saw the smoke just in time, Ms. Quinn your a lucky girl." Harry points.

I notice a bandage on his hand. I eye it hard.

"What happened to your hand?" I question.

"Your tea kettle burned me gave me a good blister that's for sure." he explains.

"Battle scars." I laugh hardly.

He smiles softly at me and it reaches his eyes. He's acting different too different.

"I'm going to get a doctor." he stands and walks out.

I lay my head back and take a deep breath. I can't understand him, one day he's an asshole the next he's totally happy. That or in the time I've been out he's turned into someone else.

Did it scare him?

Before my thoughts can go any further. My door opens to my room, Liam appears. Harry let him in? Shocking. Wait, no he wouldn't.

"What are you doing here?" I question.

He rubs the back of his neck.

"I want you Maddison." he states.

"Liam." I say already wanting this over.

"No Maddison, hear me out." Liam urges.

"Liam I thought I loved you I was stupid, I didn't mean to hurt you." I say nervously.

Secrets of Mr.StylesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora