Chapter 13

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I find myself on my daily patrol of the isles, fixing misplaced books, helping people find books they need, the usual. It's all so old. So boring. I spot a familiar face down the isle across from the one I'm in.

I cross over and stop just short of him.

"Louis right?" I say getting his attention.

"Yeah that's right." he turns to me.

"I actually don't know why I came over here." I giggle.

"I don't know why you did either." he shrugs.

"Well I guess I'll just get going then sorry." I say.

"It's all good." he says pulling off a book about music.

He starts to walk away.

"Hey uh thank you for the other day. I could've handled it on my own." I say.

"I'm sure you could have Ms. Quinn but your bloody nose said other wise." Louis points out.

"Well–" I stop because I don't really know what to say.

"Don't mention it." he disappears behind the shelves and I see him sit at the same table by the window I've seen him at before.


Harry 😘❤️:

Missing you x.

To Harry:

You wouldn't be missing me if you concentrated on work, Mr. Styles.

From Harry:

You're quite distracting, Ms. Quinn.

To Harry:

Go back to work before you get us both fired.

I stuff my phone back in my pocket. I make a mental note to talk to my boss and Liam when he gets me today.

I make my way to my bosses office and knock gently on the door.

"Come in."

I open the door and shut it.

"I thought I'd let you know a bit sooner, I'm going to start looking for another job." I say.

"Ms. Quinn I thought you were happy here?" she crosses her arms over her chest.

"It's quite the opposite actually, um I'm sorry." I say.

"It be a shame to see you go but I wish you the best of luck Ms. Quinn you're my best employee." she says.

I sigh.

"If only you knew." I say and stand.

She remains quiet and I shrug before walking back out. I look at the clock on the wall I have 5 minutes until I'm off. That went by quick. Carly has kept her distance from me, I think Harry's scared her good. Her keeping her distance has made me nervous, I don't know what she will do next. She's been watching me hard and sternly.

I gather my things and clock out, looking at the table where Louis should be but he's gone all his stuff is too. It's not closing time I've just got off earlier today. Thank goodness.

"Who you looking for?" Louis says from behind me.

"Jesus!" I say.

"Did I scare you?" he half laughs.

"Yeah just a little!" I say holding my chest.

"Why you leaving?" he questions.

"I'm off early today, you usually stay late. Why are you leaving early?" I raise a brow and cross my arms.

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