Chapter 41

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"Ellie! I care about him!" Harry yells into his phone.

"I left because I couldn't stand it! I love my son! You want me to see him? We can set something up."

I sit silently watching him and wonder why Ellie suddenly wants him involved in their sons life since she never bothered to tell him she was alive. Quite honestly it even makes me angry, it's none of my business; but what she did was wrong so wrong. I just still don't understand why she kept it from him, she had every right to Harry. Her parents are just as fucked as she is.

"Whatever! Bye! Tell Max I love him." Harry says before hanging up.

He sits next to me with a huff. We've been home for a little while now, Harry's phone rang just as we were stepping off the elevator. I'm sure that if his son wasn't involved he wouldn't even answer her calls. Then again Harry was broken and he probably would of worshipped at her feet. Then there's me... I some how flipped his world upside down for good. An ordinary girl like me saved a man from his own misery.

"Penny needs a bath." I say standing up with her.

"I need to make a few calls to check on some things." Harry says.

I give him a nod and he steps forward pecking my lips with his before walking to his office. I go to our bathroom and start Penny's bath. My mum and sister are due back at any time now from their vacation. I've missed them both. Even my sister as much as she pisses me off to no end I have missed her. I just hope that their little trip did them both some good.

I place Penny in her bath and she cries but stops once I put a bath toy in with her. I wash her body and then her hair. I play with her a little bit splashing her a little resulting in a small giggle from her. I love her laugh. I smile at her taking her out wrapping her quickly in her towel.

"There we go all clean little one." I say patting her dry once I lay her on the bed.

I dress her then I set up a blanket with her toys for her to play. Biscuits and Rosie come to me once I sit on the couch, of course Biscuits leaves no room for Rosie on my lap. I rub them both and smile. Rosie was Louis' gift to me I still remember when he brought her I was still pregnant with Penny and he told me to carry one of the boxes upstairs until it moved and out popped Rosie when I opened the box. Louis is amazing and I have a lot to thank him for including feeding the animals while we were away.

To Louis:

I got a dress while in Paris for the wedding 😆

From Louis:

Has Harry seen it?

To Louis:

Nope but he did pay for it obviously. He's not going to see it until the wedding day.

From Louis:

As your main guy I'd like to see this dress when it arrives please.

To Louis:

I have a picture but I much rather you see it in person. Thanks again for looking after Rosie and Biscuits while we were away.

From Louis:

Sounds good to me, it was no problem really. Eleanor is here now I've got to go.

I shake my head and toss my phone on the coffee table. I grab my phone again and press call.

"Hello?" he picks up after one ring.

"Liam! I got my dress for the wedding." I say excitedly.

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