Chapter 12

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"Liam! That's not how you cut a pepper for stir fry!" I giggle.

"Okay, how do you cut it then?" he  questions.

"You cut it like this," I show him with the onion I'm cutting, "not like that." I point with the knife.

"Hey watch where you point that thing Quinn!" he starts cutting it the right way.

I smile for the first time in a while. Out the corner of my eye I notice him looking at me.

"What're you looking at?" I say softly and bite my lip.

"You." he says simply.

His eyes fall to my lips. His lips part.

"You can kiss me. If you want." I say.

His hand caresses my neck and his thumb slides across my bottom lip.

"Yes," he smiles "I want."

"Then do it please."

His lips connect with mine and my stomach flutters. I feel the heaviness between my legs and Liam presses himself against me. I can feel he's hard.

He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around him so he can carry me.

"Where's your room?" he whispers between a kiss.

"Upstairs." I say breathlessly.

He moans into my lips for what I expected to come out as okay. He lifts off the floor and carries me upstairs and stumbles into my room.

We plop down on my bed but we don't break our kiss. He slows his actions and pulls back to take off his shirt. I frown.

"What's wrong doll?" Liam says breathlessly.

"I wanted to do that." I say sounding sad.

"Oh shit, sorry love." he quickly puts back on his shirt and I smile.

I reach up and begin taking his shirt off peppering his necks with kisses.

"Fuck." he growls.

He moves to where I can get his pants off. We some how lost all but my pants before making it up the steps. I can touch him freely without my hand being moved away or being told no. I don't have to stop myself with him.

"You sure about this? I mean we don't have to do it right now." Liam says softly.

"I'm sure." I say with a small smile.

He nods before reaching inside his pants for a condom.

"Just to be on the safe side." he says before he rips it open.

He rolls it on his length. He pushes me back gently and positions himself between my legs. He's being so gentle more gentle then Harry ever has been.

He pushes himself into me slowly and I gasp. He plants kisses on my neck as he begins moving.

Remember who you belong to. Harry's voice rings through my head. I ignore it. With in minutes he collapses on top of me panting from reaching his climax. He pulls out and lays on his back.

"Now I'm really hungry." he says pulling off the condom and throwing it out.

"It's 7 let's eat." I say.

I hop out of bed and throw on a white v neck shirt that's much too large. I remember it's Harry's, I quickly take it off and switch to another.

"What was wrong with that one?" Liam asks as I slide on another and look at him.

Secrets of Mr.StylesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant