The phone call

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Ian's POV:
The kids were in bed, sleeping soundly dreaming there wired but beautiful dreams.

I sat there slumped on the couch hand in a bowl of crisps, while watching a romecome. Wow I really am a single dad.

I wonder if Anthony will text me, I mean he was smoking hot, WAIT?! What am I going on about, I am straight or am I.

I looked at the time pushing the question to the back of my mind. God this already 10. I turned off the tv and headed quietly to my room peeping into the kids rooms as I went.

Mace let out cute little mouse snores, Logan was slumped over the bed, charlette was letting out loud snores with every breath.

I smiled to myself. 'You done good Ian you've done good' I thought slapping my own back.

I made my way to my room and got ready for bed. I got in and snuggled up in my fluffy dovay, I turned into my back.

I could feel there was someone or  something missing. I couldn't put my finger on it. I grabbed onto one of my pillows and turned to my side. I sighed as I drifted off to sleep.

I slowly opened my eyes being greeted by maces face "ahh hello mace" I yarned "daddy daddy daddy daddy" he said jumping on my bed every bounce a word came out.

"What mace it's" I looked at the clock "3 am why are you up this early" I asked as the boy bellyflops next to me. "Because daddy I can't sleep and I went to get a drink and I saw you hugging your pillow so I came to see if you were ok" he explained.

"I'm fine mace I was sleeping cuddling a pillow" I yawned rolling over. He flopped backwards over me "arrrh mace get off" I groaned. He slid in front of me.

"Your not gunna go back to bed are you" I asked he shook his head.

"You want me to get up and put you back to bed don't you" I asked he nodded.

"Fine but this is the last time ok, I needs my beauty sleep" I sassed. "Oh daddy your handsome already" mace giggled.

I dragged myself out of bed. As mace lead me to his room, I drozerly trudged behind him.

He got back into bed. "Daddy" he said looking up to me. "Yeah mace" I yawned. "Is anthony going to be are other daddy" he asked "what no, now get to sleep ok" I said laying a kiss on his forehead. "Ok daddy I really like Anthony night night" mace said rolling over and going to sleep.

I went back to my room and flopped back into bed.

-morning has Brocken jut like a bottle-

"Dad the shower is acting up again" a voice called. I slowly opened my eyes slightly light shone through them.

"DAD" the voice shouted. "What" I called "the shower is acting up again" the voice explained "give me minute let me wake up" I yawned.

"Papa mace is running about with underwear on his arms and face" a female voice called.

"Daddy charwie won't let me be underpants man" a child's voice shouted.

I groaned rubbing my hands with my face. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and got up. I sighed as I opened my door.

"Mace take that off, charlie put them back please, and Logan you twist it the other way" I said walking though the house.

"Oh ok" he said twisting it and coming on.

"Now can I wake up normally please, instead of having a thousand requests before I even open my eyes" I scolded

They all nodded "I'll get breakfast on the go in a while so keep mace you of trouble ok" I said walking back into my room and closing the door, leaning against it.

My phone started to go off.

"Hello" I answered.

"Hey Ian its Anthony, I was wondering if you and the kids would like to do something today" he asked.

"Yeah sure what were you thinking of doing" I asked

"There's a fair not to far from where I am, do you want to go" he asked.

"Yeah that will be fine the kids will love it" I said.

"Ok text me your address and I'll pick you guys up" anthony said

"Ok shall we say 10" I asked.

"Yeah sure" he said

"Ok bye" I said

I hanged up the phone and opened the door to go make breakfast. When the kids fell down at my feet.

"You nosey buggers scat" I scolded. Logan walked back while charlie grabbed mace and ran down the hall.


What up people it me a sexy banana

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