Last birthday

50 4 2

A/n: play the song, you might also want to play it again if it finishes.

10 years later

In this time Ian over came his lung cancer and had got happier until the day before his birthday....he got told that he had got it back and that there were signs of some more cancers.

Now through out these 10 years they have had scares and all that but, over time you get sick of stuff.

The twins had there own kids.

Logan having:
Danny (5)
Thomas (5)
And Leon (4)

Charlette having:
Tina (8)

I'll give a run down on ages
Ian and pam:52
Logan and Charlette: 35

Ian's POV:
Well I got to my birthday, which is something to be happy about. Mace has been able to move both of his legs now, which is good and another thing to be happy about is that he just has to learn how to walk again.

But even if I surpassed what they said was my expiation date by a long way, it's still getting worse, it's coming to the point where I either say in bed all day before I feel like I'm going to die because of the treatment and therapy.

Or I would either sit in the living room or outside. I've knowtised that I have put on a few pounds, as I haven't been that active, I only really knowtised when I rolled over and almost cut off the circulation to pams arm.

With work I've had support from everyone but I want to just be free from all this. I don't want to go through it again, everything about it is torture.

I know, invite the kids round, have a big dinner, spend some time with them later have some fun with pam wait until she goes to sleep write a note, leave it and then go to where we had are first kiss and possibly conserved the twins.

I felt someone nudging me "wakey wakey big boy" a whisper said I opened my eyes to be kissed by pam. "Morning honey" I smiled as she snuggled into me. "Mmmmm your nice and warm" she smiled putting her head on mine.

"I can make you warmer if you want" I smirked as I pulled her closer. "Ooo let me just slip into something more flexible" she giggled as she went to move but I stopped her. "Your already sexy enough for me" I chuckled as I got on top of her. I have her little kisses, the more I did the more her moan got deeper and more manly.

I sat back up to see, Anthony, "what's the matter big boy, your acting like if was are first time" he chuckled deeply, I could feel myself looking wide eyes down at him. "I'll tell you what as it is your birthday, I'll let you reck his booty" he chuckled as he turned onto his front and proceeded to wiggle it about.

I felt myself go faint, I felt myself flop back "ian" a soft worried voice said as I opened my eyes to see pam above me. "Huh what happened" I asked sitting up. "You had me worried you fainted before we could do anything" she said as she gave me a kiss on my cheek. I nodded as I made my way to the bathroom as I looked in it and saw all of the bottles of pills.

I sighed as I took them. I won't have to take them anymore soon and I can be happy and free from pain of life.

Mace's POV:
Now that I've managed to move my legs it's been easier to moved about and do stuff and yeah I give it that it took me 9 years as in since I was 17 I've been able to move them, and I've loved being able to run swim jump everything.

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