Looks can be deseving

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As I am feeling nice this is going to be a long one with, some sexy stuff at the end. Don't worry it's not too graphic

1 year later

Ian's POV:
I started to slowly wake up, I looked around as the light from the morning sun started to creep up above the horizon. I rapped my arms and my legs more round pam. She smiled as she turned back over to face me. "Morning honey"she yawned as she snuggled up to me.

"Morning my little marshmallow" I smiled as I put my hand through her hair. She giggled as she gave me a kiss, I kissed her back, I smiled down at her as I put my nose on hers.

"MUM THE TOILET IS CLODED AGAIN" Logan's voice called. We both signed "I knew it wouldn't last" I said as I got up, I stretched, as I rubbed my face before getting up. "I'll do it you lay down" I said as I put on my dressing gown before heading to the bathroom.

"What did you eat boy" I exclaimed as I walked in to see the horrifying mess. "jopolay and Mexican food, in a big bowl.....if make you feel any better it was yummy" Logan smiled rubbing his tummy, I sighed "just get dressed, and tell charlie to get up, body slam her if so" I said getting out the plunger.

"Ok" he said walking out, before I heard shouting from the both of them. I sighed "when will this family learn" I mumbled as I managed to unclog it. I washed my hands before I walked past Mace's room he was trying to put in a pair of trousers. He let out little grunts and wheezes as he managed to pull them up and zip them up.

I smiled to myself as he did a little celebration "look I did it mummy" he smiled as pam hugged him. It made me think of the dream and like how Anthony from my dream had done it. No that was just a dream, he is just a youtuber that you had a really wired and detailed dream about him, I need to stop eating cheese before I go to bed.

I made my way down to the kitchen and started to make bacon and eggs for everyone and waffles. Logan and charlie made there way in. Charlie pushing mace up to the table. "Morning my sweet little dumplings, I have something fun for us to do today" I smiled as I plated up the bacon.

I felt someone's hands around my waste. I looked over and saw pam, "morning honey" I smiled as I gave her a kiss. "Eww parent affections" charlie said looking down at her phone. "You will be like this one day" pam chuckled. "Yes with three darling children" I chuckled as I gave pam an escamo kiss. "I don't want to ruin my vagina thank you, Logan is the one who is going to give you grandkids" she said.

"What's a vagina" mace asked innocently. "Really your putting this on me" Logan said "mace a vagina is what me and mummy have instead of a dingaling" charlie said "and yes I don't want kids I'm going to be that cool auntie that does what she wants" she chuckled.

"You say that now you've just jinxed yourself" I laughed. "Paaaa not you too, ma back me up here" charlie moaned "I'm sorry but I'm on boys team this time" she laughed. "I'll be on your team charlie" mace giggled. "At least someone is" she laughed. I finished he eggs before laying them down on the table.

We all started to tuck into the mouth watering food. "So who wants to go to a carnival" I asked as all of them put there hands up. I smiled "then it is settled, and then after we can get dinner and then after that if we are not too tired, we could either go to the beach and watch the sunset or we could go to the look out peak to look over the city and watch it" I explained "yay that would be awesome" mace smiled as he attempted to wipe off egg that had got round his mouth.

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