Blast from the past (4)

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The boy had still been lonely through out middle school and most of high school, that was until he met 2 dashing young lads by the names of matt and David.

They were in the gaming club which the boy joined as he thought it could be a way of him making friends and it was because he like to play games and get immersed in them.

It helped him escape reality, reading helped him to, he loved to go and sit out under the tree in his back garden with a book and read until there was no light to be seen and it was just sinking down over the horizon, as the moon would crawl up high into the sky.

The boy made his way to where the room was supposed to be. He stood outside of it as he took a deep breath and opened up the door, to see the blinds were down and the lights were off.

"Hello is this the gaming club" the boy asked as he looked around before two faces popped up. One looked like a drugged up tried teenage version of Steve bullsharmi, while the other one, not so much he looked like he had, had 20-30 red bulls in a row. From his stare to the fidgeting of his hands, you could mistake him for one of those all nighters kids or if they have really bad social anxiety.

"State you name trespasser" the scary one said in a raspy heroic voice. "Ian...hecox" the boy said quietly, quite intimidated by him. "Well Ian, welcome, he's matt sohinki and I'm David moss or sohinki and lasercorn" David announced as him and matt pulled him in.

"Whoa" the boy said as he was pulled through the door. "It's nice meet you too" he said as they stopped. "So what game were you playing" the boy smiled. As a third one came in with lenardo hair, while sporting what looked like girl jeans and was wearing a blue shirt with another button up shirt over it.

"Hey guys" he greeted with the squeakiest most Brocken voice I've ever heard. "Ahh Joven there you are did you get the mag" David asked. "The mag" The boy questioned. "Yeah but it wasn't easy, the jocks are looking for me because one of them saw me as I was running out" Joven I guess explained as he tried to get his breath back.

"Oh this is josh Ian, Ian josh" lasercorn said as he went over to josh grabbing the rolled up book from joshes back pocket as we shared an awkward wave. "Well I'm Joshua overshire, just people call me josh or joven" josh smiled. "Oh ok cool" the boy smiled.

"What's that" the boy asked pointing to the rolled up paper in lasercorn's hand. "how we can see boobies with out having to crawl into the vent again" sohinki said as they put covers over the door.

"What do you mean the vent" the boy asked. "Well last time we wanted to see boobs, we climbed into one of the air ducts and well one of the grates broke off and gave one of the girls a concussion, she's never been the same since, somehow it made her like games more and all the stuff we're into, while staying feminine" sohinki explained

"Oh ok" the boy said as he fiddled with the bottom of his shirt. "Oh yeah that was funny, just luckily people were in there at the time or we would have got in more trouble for helping her by being in there" lasercorn explained. As he opened it to find out to see that all the girls in it were or had been cut out of it.

"Aww they upped one us again Joven you grabbed the wrong one" lasercorn moaned "well next time you can get it" Joven huffed. "I will, I could do a better job than you could" lasercorn said sticking out his tung. "You always make me do it and then you complain when I do it wrong" Jovens said as he pushed lasercorn.

"Oh right that's it" lasercorn said as him and Joven started to brawl. "Shouldn't we stop them" the boy asked as lasercorn and joven punched each other and kicked each other, also tickling each other. "No they'll wear themselves out in a minute" sohinki said like it was nothing as he went over to a sofa and picked up a controller. The boy followed him leaving the other two to play fight.

"Ow why is you chin so boney" joven struggled "its from eating your mums blueberry waffle" lasercorn said as he sat up. Before joining the boy and sohinki with Joven.

"What's a blueberry waffle" the boy asked. "You don't want to know dude" sohinki said "yeah it's disgusting" Joven added. "Oh ok" the boy said unsure before they set up smash bros for the N64.

They played to their hearts content, before they realised it it was 4 and time for the boy to make his way home.

"Bye guys I'll see you tomorrow" the boy smiled as he walked off leaving them to lock up. He hadn't smiled this wide in months, years even.

He phone bleeped, he looked at it.

'I can't pick you up so you're going to have to walk home' -mum

The boy sighed as he walked down and out of the school keeping an eye out for anyone that would have a car he could bomb a ride off. Before he knew it, he collided with a lean and mean boy with thick emo hair that had covered his left eye.

"Sorry I got distracted" the boy said as the emo kid brushed himself off before looking up at the boy. They looked into each other's eyes, as if they had already seen a pair like it before.

"It's ok I wasn't either" the emo kid chuckled nervously as he picked up his keys. "Ok I'll see you later" the emo kid said as he walked past the boy. "Hey, can you give me....." the boy trailed as the emo kid was out of sight and out of mind.

The boy sighed and started to walk home, he flashed back to the earlier as he played with you could say his new friends.

But alas nothing in this boys world is fair.

Be got home to see boxes lining the halls with labs on them like.



'Ian's nappies'

"Mum" he called as he closed the door "kitchen sweetie" she called. The boy mad his way to his old kitchen. Almost everything had happened there from him sneaking his first beer to when him and lily tried to make milkshakes.

His mother was sitting down at the table as pots and pans sizzled behind her. She looked up and met his gaze. "Ian listen we...we have to move again, it will be to another part of Sacramento so we will still be near grandma and grandpa, but you will have to move schools, but don't worry you'll still have Lily and I'm sure you'll be able to make new friends" she said

"But mum I just make friends...kind of" the boy sighed "Ian I'm sorry but we have to move or we won't have a home at all, if I was able to change it I would of stayed but I'm sorry we can't" she explained as she got up and went over to the boy bringing him into a hug.

"No mum I don't want to move this is the second time this year" the boy exclaimed pushing her away as he turned and crossed his arms. "Ian listen I know it is and I know that you got settled and starting to make friends, but I can't control what happens I'm sorry" she explained which I just angered the boy more.

"No mum you just don't understand ok, you never do, you just say it to try and make me feel better and it doesn't ok, so don't" he said as he took off to his room.

He cried for hours hugging onto his Miss hugsalots. Lily had made her way over to her brothers room to say night night to him.

"Ian" she squeaked as she opened the door. To see her brother laying away from the door with a teddy in his arms. She patted her way over to his bed "Ian are you ok" she asked climbing onto his bed and over him. "What wrong bro" she at looking up at him.

"Nothing just leave me alone" the boy said rolling over. "Tell me,did mum tell you we were moving" she asked the boy nodded "yeah right after I had made friends" he blubbered as he felt his sisters tiny arms around him. "It's ok bro you can see them at the weekend and in the holidays, and you will always have me, I'm never leaving you" lily smiled giving the boy a sister kiss.

"Eww...sister germs" the boy chuckled as he rolled back over and pulled her into a hug.

It made him smile to know that he would always have his sister as his best friend.

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