Finding lost things

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Get ready for this, it's a bumpy one

Mace's POV:
I had eventually fell asleep, I dreamt about Daddy and Anthony getting married and I would be the flower boy. I could hear the muffled sounds of talking, as I got picked up.

Ian's POV:
I got home seeing that it was spotless, "twiddle dee, twiddle dum" I called as I looked round before finding them in the games room wearing, ladybug and cat noir suits and with their hair styled like the characters. "Err...what are you to doing" I asked raising my brow.

They got spooked by my sudden appearance "err....hi dad, did you" charlie asked. "No not really" I said leaning against the door frame. "Why that pops" Logan asked. "First of all that's what you call your grandad, not me, second your mother has taken mace somewhere and I don't know where" I explained.

"Oh my god, what, but I thought grandma was looking after him" charlie asked getting up. "Yeah I don't think grandma would of just handed over mace, just like that it's preposterous" Logan said.

"She didn't your mother went there asked to see mace led him into a small amount of false security ad while granny's back was turned, she snuck away. So grandma called the police and now they should be on the look out for a black hondi" I explained as charlie and Logan came over and gave me a hug. I put my arms round them tightly.

"I'm so lucky to have you two" I said as small tears started to escape my eye and run down my cheek. "And we are lucky to have you papa" charlie smiled rubbing my back. "I could stay here all day but even in this situation I need to go shopping, again thanks to you two" I chuckled pulling away, wiping my tears away.

"Ok I won't be too long and is poppy here" I asked "yeah she's chilling in the guest room" Logan said. "Ok, I'll see you in a little bit" I smiled as I walked out. That was soon replaced by a frown as I walked to the guest room to see her asleep. "Best not to disturb her" I said quietly aloud.

I made my way back down stairs. 'Great that's another car ride and another shopping trip' I thought as I groaned as I got back into it and started to drive along the busy streets of LA. Like I always do, I need to get somewhere new.

I eventually got there grabbing shopping trolley before going in. I made my rounds as the classic supermarket music played. I had gotten most of the shop before it came to the toilet rolls and olive oil, my mortal enemy's of the supermarket world. Like this is one of my pet peeve why but the bog roll so high on the shelf along with the olive oil.

Like do they want people to hurt themselves.

I tried my best to jump for it, before a pair of arms grabbed it and pulled it down, putting it gently in my hands. "Thank you" I smiled as I looked up to see who it was. He smiled at me with his brown chestnut eyes, the curliness of his hair and his smile

"Anthony" I said under my breath, before the olive oil slipped out of my hands sending to the floor making it explode everywhere. I snapped out of my day dream from the thud that it made. "Oh shit" I said lifting up my foot. "You were always a cluts" Anthony chuckled getting out of the stream of oil

"You could say that" I chuckled faintly as workers came and cleaned it up. "Let me help you butter fingers" Anthony chuckled as he got another one off the shelf and put it in my trolley. "So what's this I hear about someone living it up in a new fancy house" he smiled "yeah it's true but I am still as humble as I've always been" I chuckled.

"Yeah right you goof" he laughed as he pushed me playfully. We both laughed "so how's it been s-since I was gone" I asked. "Boring, a little less fun and funny, I'm still looking for another butt to stare that all day" he smiled wiggling his eyebrows. I felt myself blush "Anthony stop it you know that I blush when you talk about my butt" I wined

"I like how we are arguing like a married couple" he laughed. Some say that it's annoying how much we laugh when we.......were together but that's they best part of us, as friends or as partners. We don't care.

"Hey err...why don't you come round for dinner and then after we can sort things out" I suggested. "Yeah....yeah sure, just text me the address and we can sort things out" he said delighted "so 6" I smiled "6 it is" he smirked walking off.

'Wait what the fuck have I just done' I thought. I've got a missing son and now I've just invited them my ex over for dinner.

Fuck my life

I made the rest of my rounds before making my way back home. Too the police there. I pulled into the driveway, seeing a cop car, I grabbed the shopping before running in.

"Hello" I called. "Ahh mr hecox we've been waiting for you" a police officer said as he came out of the living room. "What about" I asked "about mace you see the car that your mother described to us, was reported to have been in a car crash and the body's that were found was a man, a woman and a little boy" he explained

I felt the world around me start to crumble and shake. "W-what do you mean a man, a woman and a little boy" I asked. "Well we identified the boy as mace" he sighed. "The woman as Pamela holton and the man as peter.....peter, his parents were apparently crack addicts" he explained.

"And are they ok" I asked "yes they are alive but in very bad conditions, they are at the William Morse hospital, I hope that information was helpful to you in anyway" he said putting his hat back on. "Yes it was thank you officer" I said as he left.

I could hear snivelling coming from the living room. I walked to see charlie and Logan comforting each other. I went over to them. "At least you two are safe" I sighed before hugging them, they hugged back tighter than they had ever done

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