Blast from the past (2)

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"Great first day of middle school" the boy said to himself as his mother drove off.

He started to walk towards the large ground doors picking at his hands as he did. He could feel people looking at him from all directions as he walked in.

People were whispering to each other in there little clicks and groups. But there he was alone wondering the halls for anyone who will say

"Hi are you new" a voice said catching the boys attention. He nodded in response. "Hey I'm Shane, I can tell that your having some trouble, do you need any help" he asked.

The boy nodded his head "y-yeah I am, but I don't need any help thank you" the boy went to walk away

"Hey I didn't catch your name" Shane said "oh it's Ian" the boy said walking off "it was nice meeting you" he called.

It came to the end of the day. The boy had a wonderful day meeting new people, making friends, he even got along with his teachers.

He thought the day as a starting point of a turn around no more being in the shadows and being alone.

Until. "HA HA nerd" a bully had pushed him sending him and his books onto the concrete. "Hey what gives" the boy groaned getting off the floor, picking up his books. Before he got pushed back again to the baking concrete.

"Oh what's this" the bully said picking up Ian's books, ripping numerous pages out of each one, sending the flying up into the air.

The boy could only watch as they flew out of his grasp. "Why did you do that" the boy exclaimed. "Because your a nerd, now I want my homework done by tomorrow, I'll meet you here first thing" the bully ordered walking off.

The boy gavered what he could of his stuff and walked to his mothers car with his head facing the floor.

'I thought it would be better' he thought

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