Snuggle wuggle

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Anthony's POV:
We made a lot of mess making kus kus and vegan meat also known as watermelon. We finished dinner and plated it up and looked apon are masterpiece.

"I think we did well" mace smiled as he did a superman pose. "I think we did" I smiled at him as I ruffled his hair. "Right I'll clean up our mess and you go get everyone and tell them dinners ready" I asked "yeah I can do that" he smiled as he jumped down and ran off. I chuckled to myself as I wiped down the counter tops and set out plates and served the food as charlette and Logan came in.

"Mmmmm that smells so good" charlie smiled as she sat down. "Smells nice, it looks amazing, thanks Anthony" Logan smiled as he sat next to his sister. "I'm glad that you like it, it's kus kus and vegan meat known as watermelon, with side toppings of grape juice, because we know Daddy needs his juice, as he's sick" I smiled as a droopy Ian came in and sat down down coughing into a tissue.

I brought over a jug and set it down on the table as mace got glasses with everyone's name on and a dad mug and set them down next to where we were all sitting. "Thank you my little helper" I smiled as I picked up the dad mug and smiled to myself a little as he looked up at me.

'I knew they would like me, I'm glad that they think of me as there second dad, in a good way not a bad, I just know that once all of the mum and divorce stuff is over that the kids will be happy and ian will be happy and I'll be happy' I thought as mace wiggled himself onto the seat next to charlette

We began to eat the best food I've ever cooked. All the flavours and textures just melted in my mouth. I could tell the kids like it as they were more quiet than usual. I looked over to Ian and he had a small smile of relief on his face as he ate his food, I felt a smile creep onto my face.

I knew this was nice for him, not having to worry about the kids, not having to think about cooking dinner or having to smile for the kids to pretend that he wasn't ill and was fit and healthy instead. I know I can help him and he knows it, he just needs to let me...

It was now 21:00 and Logan and charlette and mace were in bed, while me and Ian sat on the couch and cuddled, as he let out coughs every now and again as he snuggled close to me. "It's late do you want to sleep in my bed...with me as the couch isn't comfy" he awkwardly smiled as he looked up at me with his big baby blues.

'I am not missing this opportunity to do this, I will and I must' I thought. "Yeah if it's ok with you of cause" I smiled "it's fine and you can keep me warm" he said coughing. I handed him a tissue he took it with a nod. "Thanks beanpole" he said finishing coughing.

"Come on or we are going to fall asleep on here" I smiled as I helped him up and walked him to his room. We got ready for bed as we got in and snuggled up to each other. I ended up spooning him as he lent onto me, probably because I'm warm and he likes he's cuddles, I felt my eyes get droopy as I kissed him and drifted off.

I felt a hand shaking me awake "Daddy I had the dream again" a little voice said as I sat up and turned to it. Mace jumped a bit, probably because he wasn't expecting me to be there.

"What's wrong" I asked whispering. "I've been having a bad dream that won't go away" he whispered. As little mermers could be heard from Ian. "Tell me in your room" I whispered as he nodded taking my hand and lead me to his room. "So what's the dream about" I asked.

"A big scary man trying to take me away from you, papa and charlie and Logan" he explained "oh come here, you know that isn't true you know I won't let anyone take you away from us" I said stretching out my arms he took into my hug as he hopped up onto my lap as he hugged me.

"But Anthwee what if your not there or Daddy or Wogan or charwee" he said nervously. "Mace you will always have someone who you trust around you even if it's a little bit, you will have someone there" I said with a soft smile.

"I know anthwee, and you can be there to beat up the bad man like you did when we went to that funfair and you kicked the man and you said get your hands of my son" he recited."also why did you call me your son" he asked looking up at me with a cute confused look.

'Shit he's onto me he has been from the start' I thought as I tried not to look surprised at him. "I did it to sell it more that's all" I said nervously "really, not because you want to be are second Daddy" he asked. I sighed as I didn't want to lie to him.

"Yes ok, to be honest with you your father is the most handsome guy I've ever seen, let alone met, everything about him is perfect, from his personality to you guys, he is a fighter and I admire him for it, you do not understand how much he's given up for you and how much he loves all you, how he would do anything for you, he loves you so much and so do I, I'm happy that all of you stumbled into my life, you have made me so so so so so so happy I can not explain" I smiled.

He looked up at me processing what I just said before his little smile started to grow bigger as he hugged me again "I love you Daddy" he smiled as I hugged him back.

"I love you to mace" I smiled

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