Haven't I seen this before??

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Ian's POV:
I woke up to the over look of the beautiful, peaceful garden, for it only to be interrupted by vomiting.

Oh yeah the kids.

I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. Before putting on my dressing gown and walking out into the hall. I looked over to see that Charlie's door was open, I made my way to the bathroom with a yawn, while trying not to stand on any of the party debate.

I walked in to see that charlie was chucking up her guts. I grabbed a hair band and went over to her and kneeled down next to her and rubbed her back. "I'm sorry papa I didn't want this to happen, I didn't want to upset you" she sobbed as she threw up more. "It's ok littley, you haven't upset me, or disappointed me, you've just let me down that's all" I said softly as I scrapped back her hair and put it back into a ponytail.

She nodded as she continued to throw up.

Logan's POV:
I looked out my window at the destruction the party had caused to the garden and the pool outside. I thought it would be fun to have a party but it just got out of hand, just like everything I plan. I sighed to myself as I heard dad talking to charlie.

Before I heard foot steps heading to my door. "Wake up lazy bones" dad said as he opened my door. "Oh you're awake, get dressed into old stuff and meet down stairs for dinner.....I mean breakfast" he said with a slight chuckle. I laughed "shut up ok it's early" he joked as he walked back out.

I smiled to myself, I will never replace him. I got up and got dressed before heading down stairs. Trudging through the party waste, wow things did get wired and wild last night. I went into the kitchen, the table and chairs had been cleaned, also the counter tops.

"Right I've done the first part for you and after breakfast you and very sick charlie can start to clean up" dad smiled as he set down some bacon on the table, before setting down some waffles.

I could feel a lump in my throat. "D-dad" I managed to get out. "Yeah" he questioned "did you ever have a party or go to one when you weren't supposed to" I asked as my words trembled. "Honestly I have snuck out once or twice" he chuckled

"if you think I'm mad, I am but not that much anymore I'm just feeling a little let down that you or charlie could of called me and asked to have it, and I would of said yes and I would if understoodf why it would and could of turned into a block party" he explained.

"Oh ok" I said bowing my head slightly as I tucked into my bacon. "And after that you can started on cleaning the house" he smiled as he sat down as well grabbing some bacon and waffles and putting them on his plate.

I finished as Charlie came in slouching and dragging her feet behind her before slumping into her seat. "Do we have a bit of a hangover hmm" dad chuckled as he finished his breakfast.

"Mmmmmmmm, my head hurts" she said as she put her head on the table. "It's ok honey it's just your first hangover, trust me I know how it feels" dad said as he got up and took his plate to the side before lifting up Charlie's head.

"Eat something ok it will make you feel better" dad said putting some bacon and waffles on a place and handing it to her, before he got a jug of water and poured some into a glass for her. "And drink lots of water" he said as he stroked her hair before walking out.

"How much did you drink" I asked shoving some more bacon in my mouth. "5-10 drinks" she grumbled as she tried to aim to pick up her drink. I reached over and took her hand and put it on it, "thank you" she said with a weak smiled as she took a sip of it, before setting it back down on the table.

"It was fun wasn't it, while it lasted" I smiled trying to wake her up a bit. "Yeah I guess but I think Ryan gave me a hicky" she mumbled as she pulled her collar away from her neck to revile a brose like thing on her shoulder. "Yep that's a hicky, I wouldn't let dad see it, if I was you or you will never be able to date until your forty" I chuckled as I finished.

"You have that right bro" she said as she started eating her breakfast.

"I'll get the living room and the dining room while you do the wash room and bathrooms and we can do the pool house and the garden together" I suggested "yeah sure just give me five minutes for this and to wake up a bit" she said leaning on her elbow while shoving some bacon into her mouth.

"Ok I'll get started now" I said walking out.

Ian's POV:
I got changed into my orca shorts and grabbed my towel, putting on my sunglasses as I made my way down the stairs before there was a knock at the door.

I looked through the door as it was glass. Seeing a tall slender man with curly noodle hair on his head, with the darkest chestnuty eyes. He smiled at me as I opened the door, it made me melt.

"Hey Ian" he chuckled light hearted


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