This is fun?

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I dsmiled and shook my head as I texted Anthony the address as I went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

"Dad what's for breakfast" charlie asked "pancakes" I replied getting out what I needed. "But I want waffles" mace huffed.

"We can have waffles tomorrow ok" I said making the batter. "NO I WANT WAFFLES" he screamed. "Mace were having pancakes today we can have waffles tomorrow ok" I explained.

"No I want waffles" he said bursting out into tears "mace no I'm almost done with the pancake mix, I'll let you lick the spoon if you stop crying" I bribed.

"YAY spoon but I'm going to lick this with rage" mace starred taking it. I chuckled at him. Going back to pouring out the mix.

"Dad what are we doing today" charlie asked looking up at her phone. "It's a surprise honey" I smiled. "Ooo that sounds interesting, also I've just searched up Anthony's name....and dad you've met a famous YouTuber, he runs a channel called smosh with 5 other people" she explained.

"YouTuber eh....huh" I strutted "and they have an opening, you've been looking for a job" she said appearing next to me, "ahh don't do that I've told you to stop being a ninja" I chuckled.

"I wanted to smell them" she smiled. I put my arm round her. "Dad when are we going to see mum again" she asked I sighed "I don't know, when she comes to her senses"

"Dad I'm not five, she doesn't want to see us does she" she asked looking up at me. I held by my tears I didn't want to tell her "she does just she doesn't have the time now ok" I lied.

"Are you sure it's been 2 months dad, me and Logan want to see her, we haven't talked about it to mace as it might upset him or that he may not understand" she explained.

I pulled her closer to me "I've been trying ok just hang in there a bit more ok and anyway I have a surprise for you lot anyway" I smiled. "Oh oh oh is it your yearly back waxing" she giggled.

"No that's next week" I chucked. "Go get Logan out of the shower he's been in there too long" I asked. "Yeah sure" charlette said walking down the hall.

Charlette's POV:
"Logan dad says it's time for you to get out" I called. "Tell him I'm washing my hair" he called "ok, DAD HES WASHING HIS PEWBS" I called to dad. "Char" I heard him groan.

I walked into maces room laughing. He was sitting in the corner holding the snoop dad gave him. "Err....Macey moo what are you doing sitting in the corner" I asked confused.

"My pRRRREESSSSHHHAASSS" he hissed. "Mace your not golem" I said duly. "Now I'm about to load stuff into the dishwasher for dad so I can get some money so can I have it please" I said reaching for it. He swatted my hand.

"No it's mine" he hissed. I grabbed it he pulled back on it "mace give it here please" I said "no it's mine daddy gave it to me to lick" mace struggled.

"And it is finished so can I have it to clean please" I asked. "No it's mine" he said pulling on it with all his might. "Mace you can put it into the dishwasher if you want" I bribed.

"Yeah yeah yeah" he said bouncing. "Ok go on then" I said letting go he raced off. I smiled and followed him. "Daddy I finished" mace smiled.

"Ok put it in the dishwasher please" dad said plating up the pancakes. "Sure thing daddy" mace smiled. "Now go and scare you brother to death" dad smiled. "Ok daddy" mace said hugging his leg before running down the hall.

"Cover your ears" dad chuckled. A high pitch scream sounded "mace get out I'm showering" Logan shouted. "Daddy wants you to hurry up" mace said. "Tell him that I'll be out in a minute" Logan said.

"Ok Wogan why is you willy so wired, can I touch it" mace said. Me and dad were cracking up. "NO MACE GET OUT" Logan shouted.

A couple of seconds later Logan came up the hall wearing a towel round his waste. Dragging mace along behind him. "Ah so your finally out of the shower" dad chuckled.


I grabbed onto mace "get dressed now and pack your things you are not welcome in my house anymore, you have five minutes before I'm dragging you out and what you got is what you got" dad commanded pointing towards the hall.

"I would gladly, I don't know how you can call yourself a FATHER" Logan said storming down the hall.

"Dadwee why are wou shouting at Wogan" mace asked. "I'll explain later ok Macey moo" dad sighed keeping back his tears. "Ok dadwee I wove wou" mace said hugging his trouser leg.

I walked down the hall I looked into Logan's room he was angrily folding and putting shirts into a duffle bag, muttering to himself.

"So where you gunna go" I asked sitting in front of him and helping him. "Thank you" he grumbled. "So where are you gunna a go" I asked. "To maybe to I.Ms place or there is auntie lily, uncle bobby" he snapped.

"Do you need any money" I asked. "Yeah maybe for a uber" he said grabbing his chargers. "Wait here I'll go and get some" I said going into my room and grabbing £200.

"Will this be enough" I asked handing it over to him. "Charlie...I" he started. "Take it I've still got £200" I smiled. He took it and flung his arms around me, I did the same. "I'm gunna miss you so much" he sniffed.

"Not as much as I'm going to miss you" I said betraying my face into his shoulder. "You can still see me at I.Ms place so it's not like you've never see me again" he said laying a soft kiss on my cheek.

"No it's not that, it's more of the fact of you are part of me ESP and all of that kind of stuff" I chuckle. "Goes for me too" he pulling away.

"Logan you have a minute" dad called. "I love you" I said through all my tears. "Come with me I'll wait outside" he said.

"Oh Logan I can't what about mace I can't leave him here and dad you know he's emotionally unstable" I said whispering the last part.

"Visit ok" I added. "I will trust me" Logan said as dad grabbed him and dragged him out of the house.

"Find your own way" he said before slamming the door shut.

Logan's POV:

So there I was in the outside world. I took out my phone and called IM. "Do you mind if I stay with you dad kicked me out" I sighed sadly.

"Yeah I'll be there in 5 minutes" she said.

"Ok thank you nana" I said hanging up

I sat down on the front porch. How did my life end up this way, being dissent from my family, I should be happy that I even had a home, maybe I could live with mum and visit dad, no, even though I didn't have any privacy, and that they would annoy me too the point where I was about to rip out my hair...

I still love them....

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