fUn FaIr?

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Logan's POV:
We arrived at IMs, "it's ok Logan, I know your dad and he is going though one of his moods and phase" she assures me leading me in.

"You can set up shop in your dads old room" she smiled. "Thank you" I said quietly. She pulled me into a hug. I felt tears run down face. "It's ok let it out" she said

Charlette's POV:
We arrived at one of the biggest fairs I've ever seen. "Mace mace mace wake up" I said shaking him. "Huh what I didn't eat the rubber ducky and then put it in daddy's shoe" he muttered. "Mace wake up" I shouted as I ahold him violently.

"Huh what were are we" he asked sleepily. "Were at the surprise" I smiled. He looked behind me, a smile crept on his face "YAY" he exclaimed. Fidgeting in he's seat.

We got out. "Thank you Daddy, thank you anthwee" mace smiled hugging both of there legs. "Whoa carefull" they laughed. He giggled "come on charwee, I want prices" he smiled grabbing my hand leading me off. "Ok ok I'm coming" I laughed.

Logan's POV:
She pulled away "now why don't we bake some of my famous cookies" she smiled wiping my tears away my tears. "Yeah let me put my stuff down" I smiled.

"I'll get it ready" she smiled walking to the kitchen. I walked to dads old room, I've only taken glances, I saw that he had panic posters and that stuff, but not much else before I was hushed away.

I walked into the room, it had posters and paper still left out on the desk with school books and note books. I put my bag down and knocked off some stuff "shit" I said under my breath and I picked them up from under the bed. "Are so dusty and dirty did dad never clean his room, but then I can't say anything, at least you can see the floor in here" I said to myself as whacked my head getting out. 'Ow' I mouthed as some envelopes dropped from the bed.

I picked it up ''don't read this" it said I went to open it "LOGAN WHATS TAKING SO LONG THESE ARNT GUNNA BAKE THEMSELVES" IM called softly. I quickly tucked it back "JUST COMING" I called.

I text charlie

Charlie the sister one
"Hey do you know if dad, has any secret stuff"

"No we found most of the stuff when we went thought his room that one time and mace broke his star wars collectible, why??"

"No reason apart from I think I found more, I'll face time you later"

"Ooooo a mystery unfolds XD"

"Ok text you later, make sure mace doesn't eat my candy stash"

"Ok I won't"

I walked back out of dad's room putting my phone in my pocket.

"What took you so long" IM asked "oh I was texting charlie" I smiled.

Ian's POV:
"Off the phone how many times do I have to say it" I scolded. "Logan text me, back off and can I have some money please so I can try and win one of those massive rubber duckys" she smiled fluttering her eyes.

"Mmmmm, maybe if I can get a kiss and a hug" I smiled turning my cheek to her "fine" she laughed pecking my cheek and giving me a little hug.

"Ok here's your money" I said handing it over to her "thanks papa" she said running off. "Ok mace what do you want to do now" I said there was no answer. "Mace" I whimpered as I looked down to see that he wasn't next to me, I felt my chest titen a bit.

I looked around for anthony thinking that he would be with him. I saw Anthony at one of the conserion stands "hey Anthony" I called running up to him. "Yeah what is it, I was getting us lollies" he asked turning around.

"Is mace with you" I asked. "No he was with you and charlette" he said losing his smile. "Oh no not again, I have to get a tag or a leash for that kid" I grunted. "Are you sure he not just with charlette" anthony suggested.

I turned and looked where she was no mace but charlie talking to a boy.

(A/n: at this point -_- would be his face)

That can wait for now mace, "he's not over there" I said panicked "don't worry we will find him" he assured me. "Ok" I smiled.

Anthony finished paying for the sweets. "Ok I'll go this way you go that way and meet back here in 5-10 minutes ok" I added. "Ok" he said walking in the other direction.

'Why did I get the small Genes' I thought as I walked. "MACE" I called pushing though all the crowds of people.

"MACE WHERE ARE YOU" I called again.

Charlette's POV:
"So you into games huh" Ryan said. "Yeah it takes my mind off stuff and it's fun" I smiled. "What about your dad and that guy with the curls" he asked pointed to anthony "oh Anthony he's one of my dads friends he was just treating us today" I smiled

"Oh ok cool, so where's your brother Logan" he asked. "Oh he wanted to see are nan so he's there today" I smiled. "Ok where's your little bro I don't see him with your dad" he said.

"He's probably with Anthony knowing it" I smiled as I turned to them then back to Ryan. "So I was wondering if you would like to do something Friday" he asked.

"Yeah sure that would be nice, what were you thinking of" I asked.

Mace's POV:
I looked around me all I could see is adwults and big kids. I kept walking looking for Daddy anthwee or charwee

I kept walking to see if I could find them. "Hey kid" a voice called. I turned round to see a well kept man with his head shaved. I looked up at him and he held a lollipops his hand, I looked towards it "you want it, I have a load more in my car" he grinned.

"Y-you do, but my daddy told me never to talk to strangers" I said "it's ok I'm not going to hurt you, I do it for all the little kids like you as a treat so to say" he explained. I stayed silent hoping Daddy anthwee or charwee would come.

"Well do you want to at least see them see if that will change your mind" he said giving me the lollipop. "Ok, of there frwee I don't have any monwey" I smiled as I followed him.

Anthony's POV:
"MACE, WHERE ARE YOU" I called running thought the fair ground. Then I caught sight of him with some random stranger, I felt my heart race.  "MACE" I shouted before I got stopped by a group of people. I struggled thought it, he looked round before going round a corner.

"MOVE" I ordered bargain people out the way before sprinting round the corner. The stranger had led him to what looked like his car.

"MACE GET AWAY FROM HIM" I shouted he turned round

Charlette's POV:
"Yeah I wouldn't mind that, it will be fun" I said getting the ducky. "MACE" I heard some one shout I turned to see Anthony running with dad trailing behind. "oh no" I said giving the duck to Ryan before running after them.

Anthony's POV:
"Get off him you nonce" I growled snatching mace off of him. "How dare you take my son, you people make me sick" I spat picking up mace "what gives you the right to go around trying to abduct kids, I think you need to rethink your life" I shouted before kicking him hardly in the balls. He fell to the ground

"Go to hell pen15 sucker" I said kicking his head. "Come on let's get you out of here" I sighed as mace snuggled into my chest.

"MACE" Ian said running up to us flinging his arms round both of us. "Oh thank god your safe, where was he" he asked taking mace hugging him tightly.

"That ducker there must of lead him away when he wondered off" I explained stoking maces head. "Guys what's going on, I saw Anthony running, then I saw you running, what happened" charlette asked panting.

"Nonce lead mace away when he wondered off" I explained. "At least mace is safe now" Ian said with watery eyes.

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