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Hey lovelies!

I have realised one thing, "Mate, only do a fanfiction when you know that you love it and will complete it."

And I love this one and When Silly meets Single, so yeah. Baby steps, do two or three fanfics at a time!

I have gone with my gut and will be doing this chapter where Lou's at the hospital.

Well, hope you enjoy the chapter and remember to,


-J xxxx


(Liam is four months pregnant.)

The sudden pregnancy of course was a blessing to Louis, but, it was very hard for him at the same time due to the fact which he was in a high level of working as a nurse at the local hospital and was only home on the weekends in the late afternoon or during the week at dinner time, he felt very bad for leaving his husband alone whilst he was pregnant, it wasn't very healthy and Louis knew that he needed to request for himself to go on maternity leave otherwise Liam would blow up on him and the two men would have a great fight.

Louis was currently working at the hospital, unfortunately he did miss Liam very much, his calm smile wouldn't be able to warm up his heart and reassure the man that he didn't have to feel bored, hell, Louis never felt like that when he was with his lover because they were best friends and would do anything they possibly could to annoy one another, that reminded the lad that he needed to purposely fart on Liam when he got home, which he usually did when he was sitting on the man's lap.

He was relieved that he wasn't on his own in his career, Niall and him had promised that when they were younger they would always stick by another, and they did, the two took a course together for medical things and now the two out-going lads worked at the hospital, Louis didn't think that he would even be working there if Niall wasn't there with him, it was be so very boring, no one to have a joke around with, nobody to sneak around with and afraid to get in trouble. Louis always remembered what him and the blonde would do, 'Okay, if we get caught, here's the plan..'

Instead of being a very boring person that Louis was not, he was thinking of surprising Liam by texting him while he was working and hoped he would be able to do it for more than five minutes, maybe he would even be able to call his mobile phone and hope for the best that Liam would pick up and bloody speak to his husband, instead of being a lazy arse and laying around on his backside all day, Niall was working in a whole different level in the hospital so Louis couldn't hang out with him without being told off to just get to work, it was annoying.

Hopefully it would be a surprise to Liam, he was told by him every night that Liam very much missed him and wanted him to stay home to look after the lad, but, Louis actually didn't know about his husband and how sick he had been lately, Liam would be hunched over the toilet for the majority of the time without noticing how long he had been doing that for, lately, Harry and Zayn had to check on him and pop down to the shops to buy him some painkillers for his horrible stomach that would always be churning and aching because of the pain Liam was experiencing.

Louis was on his fifteen minute break at the moment as he was at the hospital, seated at a table where Niall was also sitting and having a chat with one of the woman workers named Larissa, she was a nurse and a higher rank into her career than Louis, the man was eating a salad with a plastic fork and scrolling through his mobile phone as he was trying to decide whether he thought it was alright to send a text to Liam without being caught, they had a very strict policy about using phones and technology during work hours, but, Louis needed to break the rules so very badly.

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