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Hi lovelies!

Last chapter may have been a been crappy, but this one will be way better, aha.

How're you all?



Any suggestions on what I should do to get their attention whilst they're on stage?


Btw, I have no bloody well idea why the last chapter was private. XD stupid update.

Anyways, hope the chapter and remember to,


-J xxx


(Alfie is two months and a week and a half years old.)

There was a little tree outside. Louis remembered playing there when he was younger. He played with Charlotte and Felicité, the lad would swing around the branches and catch a glimpse of his sisters when they were much more laid back and happier in those days. In a part of the man, he missed it. Louis missed seeing Felicité speak properly without stuttering, her sense of confidence and her smile. Charlotte had become much more tense and quite a bit aggrivated most days, and for some reason, it seemed as if he was the only true Tomlinson in the family anymore.

Perhaps it was the fact that he had a whole other family now. Perhaps the girls and his mother felt as if he didn't have enough time for them. Louis inwardly groaned in his head, kicking his foot against the rough bark of the beautiful tree standing tall beside him, not marking a mark on the plant. - Sometimes, he wished that the Payne's and the Tomlinson's could all live in the same house to make it easier, no dramas. Even he hadn't figured out his future yet, Louis Tomlinson didn't know who exactly he was yet.

As cheesy as he thought it was - A thought popped into his head. The man lifted his gaze to the grey sky and closed his eyes, using the tree with his hands as support. A long breath fell from his lips, the thoughts of, 'Dear God - I know I swear a lot, and I'm really sexual which you probably don't like. I've sort of lost myself in the past ten months, I've ignored your presence. You are Liam and I's saviour, and I just ask that you guide me to where I'm supposed to be, figure out I am. I love you, amen.' Filling his head.

Louis decided at that moment, that he needed to pay more attention to Jesus. He had kept him on his feet throughout the pregnancy and guessed he just lost himself for a moment there, God would help him find that person again, he was sure of it. He peeled his eyes open, feeling a jolt in his back which sent him flying slightly forward, growling under his breath because a ball had been thrown at him. No one was there - So, who was it? And all of a sudden, he began to laugh, and laugh, and laugh. "Jesus," He said.

He made his way off the ground and wiped his hands over his bottom to warm himself up, since his bottom was cold. Louis peered around the area to see if anyone had seen that, and he jumped a tad bit when he saw a car door close and his husband rush towards him with Alfie wrapped up in a warm blanket, and a bear beanie. "Louis! Sorry I'm late, Alfie wouldn't let me dress him." His cheeks puffed out as he was trying to face the cold.

"No, it's fine," The father opened his arms for his son and cooed to his shaking figure. "By the way - Did you just see what happened there?"

Liam chuckled with a nod and stood beside Louis with his arm curled around his shoulder, his cold, pink nose nuzzling against his stubbly cheek. "Yeah, did you pray?" A smile appeared on his face as his husband nodded sheepishly, and Liam just straightened out his pajamas whilst they were walking over to the boxing arena.

Boxing Miracle » Lilo Paynlinson Mpreg ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz