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Hi lovelies!

You enjoying the fanfic so far? I know some of the chapter may have been shit, but they will get better. :)) I love you all for dealing with me.

Please comment more because it will make me update more and that means I get happier fans. :)

So, how are you guys going? I'm doing nothing.

I just need some inspiration to write but I have no idea what to write exactly, but do you want me to make a character die so that you comment more? 0-0 That's how desperate I am.

Nah, I'm not that cruel.

Or am I? ;)

No, pfttt, but if this keeps going on I will do it. Create drama. >:)

Sorry, too much talking.

Anyways, hope you enjoy the chapter and remember to,


-J xxxx


(Liam is six months and three weeks pregnant.)

He guessed that this whole thing of pregnancy would be quite easy to just quickly pass by, these months had gone by very quickly due to the fact that Liam was sending Louis places for unecessary reasons or forcing him to stay by his side for the majority of the time. At this time of day, Liam imagined that due to the rain on an awfully humid summer's day, the rain was sprinkling over a scattered eruption of undergrown grass and sickly plants near the front door. The material of it was quite yellowish in colour, the pathway consisting of gravel and a mixture of clay, but also the garden being very sloppy from the amount of rain that had fallen through the night.

At the same time although Louis wanted their baby to just pop out of his husband, it gave him a fuzzy feeling inside of his stomach to watch him grow in his appearance; With the child inside of him, of course, but also, Liam had changed quite a bit which was a nice thing to see in the man. Liam had spent a very long time trying to convince his husband to buy quite a few jars of gherkin and wanted to have whip cream with them as well, it was an odd craving, but it also seemed interesting to the feathery haired man as well, he was still curious to what could happen next, what other mysterious creations of food Liam was craving.

His blue eyes stared through his thick eyelashes out to the road in front of him whilst a slight weight was put onto his hand, the lad realised that Liam's hand had somehow found its way into such a weird position as he was steering the car to the grocery store which was only over five minutes away. During the time that they had just gotten into the vehicle, his lover started to get whiny and claim that he was feeling very ill. He was experiencing some cold sweats, stomach pains and also headaches, of course it was a fever, and Louis was feeling quite guilty because he was taking his sick, pregnant husband out of the house when he wasn't supposed to.

Louis' fingers made their way around Liam's and fiddled around with them a bit as they did whenever the couple held hands in the car, or in public, it didn't really matter. It became a habit that he would repeat only when with Liam, and that made him feel loved. His white yet flustered face grew darker in colour in a shade as his lover began to rub the pad of his thumb over the back of his hand at the same time as smiling at him in a loving manner. "Hey, love. Can you last a little longer? Only a few minutes left until we're there." Louis cooed.

Liam's smile grew larger and larger whilst staring back at his lover whom had his hand held up to his own mouth to press his lips gently against the soft skin of his hand, keeping it there for longer than usual and it was causing Liam's cheek to blush more deeply and his smile become more shy than confident as usual. His hand moved around the steering wheel as he turned around a round-about before glancing back at him again. "Mmm, I don't feel well, Louis . . ." He muttered tiredly.

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