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Hi lovelies!

Idk why, I just feel like this fanfiction is really crappy, tell me if it isn't but idk, I'm very confused.

Perhaps you guys could start commenting more, pleaseeee, ahaha. (;

This chapter is going to be sad, so I'm sorry if your feelings are hurt in any way, but this is the way it will have to be.

This story is undergoing editing, with the speech mainly, cause I always did ',' instead of '.' At the end of sentences and it pisses me off now so I'm changing it.

Anyways, hope you enjoy the chapter and remember to,


-J xxx


(Alfie is three months old.)

Work was a bit boring for Louis as always, since he was on a multiple watch. Many, many patients were in need of care and he was all over the shop, luckily he had Niall to calm him down and keep him on track in case something crazy happened to the lad. The day was similiar to all other days, boring, slow, sad and miserable, and something was also off.

Louis decided to ignore it, though.

He was trundling through the hallway, pushing a lady in her wheelchair as a towel was draped over his shoulder and she was complaining about how bad and horrible her labor pains were. He knew, he really did know, because his husband had given birth who knows how long ago. Louis gave her shoulder a small pat, which resulted in Mrs. Tate giving the man a scowl in return and huffing at what he had just done. Louis just rolled his eyes - Grumpy woman.

All women were grumpy and bitchy whilst in labor, except Liam. He was alright, just a crying wreck. The nurse dressed in purple scrubs rolled her into the maternity ward, dialing the nurses desk to request another woman to deliver this lady's baby because he could not do it, he was quite awkward with the process of birth. Mrs. Tate was screaming like she had just had something pulled out of her eye, making Louis roll his blue eyes and pull the gas whistle out to hand it to her for the woman to suck in.

Louis ended up waiting fifteen minutes before surprisingly, Niall came wandering into the room, causing the other man to chuckle in amusement, where as his mate only shrugged and went to nurse the pregnant woman. The lad tucked his feathery hair back and closed the door behind him after he exited the maternity ward, wandering through the hallway with a chirpy smile on his face.

The thing was, the man was more of a not-yet-professional-nurse instead of being the type whom would deliver infants and perform operations, he was much too scared to do so. One of the workers walking by gave him a nod, Louis grinning in response and walking to the front desk to see one of his favourite workers. Tanya. She waved her hand at her friend. "Lou, hey," Tanya smiled. "You're being requested to the room next to Jarrod's to look after a child, go along."

He smiled in response, saying, "Sure, I'll get right to it," Louis leaned his elbows on the desk and whistled softly under his breath, eyes flickering around the building in wonder. "Do I need to get anything?" He asked the woman.

"Perhaps a small bowl of chicken soup to feed her, the girl's name is Willow and she's in room five-one-nine," Tanya told him. "Have a great day, love."

Louis padded down the tile floors and called out a loud, "You, too!" Before he sighed. Something was off, it sort of seemed like the day where bad things were happening, and no, it wasn't Friday the fifteenth, it was Monday. The day where he felt most sour.

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