
2.1K 63 8

Hi lovelies!

After this, it will officially be goodbye. Idk if you care. Hahaha, just saying.

Thank you all for reading this beautiful and weirdly written story, it means a lot, thank you, guys. You have been here with me through thick and thin, and it makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

So, the dedication for today goes to @cliffordohno because you're awesome, fantastic, and this makes up for not being able to follow you.

QOTD: Can someone DM me to one of the boys on Twitter? (I am desperate for a follow.)

Anyways, hope you enjoy the epilogue and remember to,


-J xxx


 (Alfie is two years old.)

They managed to survive throughout the past . . . Two years and six months, at least, that was what Liam thought, he was pretty terrible at maths, his partner wasn't the only one that wasn't totally sensation with his mathematics. But, seriously, he was certain, he was certain that it had been two years and six months, since their little boy, Alfie, was five months old. He had grown up so quickly, it was unbelievable.

It was unbelievable, Alfie had learned so many things off Louis, and developed the habit of calling him 'Pa' And Liam, 'Daddy' He would squeal and giggle whenever he would see anything visible, and loved Louis, so very much. Alfie looked up to him as his little play mate, cuddle mate, and Liam would mostly just the one whom scolded him whenever he ran down the hallway, stark naked, from his bath time. 

Alfie was cheeky, like his Pa. His mouth had the habit of popping into an 'O' Shape, it was so fucking adorable. He would clap his hands like their blonde headed friend, whenever he laughed like a bloody maniac. The funny thing was, the two year old was so interesting, now. He picked up on the smallest things and put them into his daily schedule. Alfie was considered as the most adorable little baby, in the world.

According to Liam and Louis.

He had made their lives so much happier. The couple thought and knew, that if they didn't have their gorgeous little boy, they would be stuck in the mud. Starting off, they acted similar to two, awkward strangers, whom didn't know what to say to one another, at any time. When Liam became pregnant, things were a tad rocky around the family, but, throughout the pregnancy and when their baby boy was delivered, the tension eased down, and they were happy, loving - So much more better.

There was a kiddy pool down the road, next to the boxing arena. Every time Liam went to go to work, do some boxing for his upcoming game, Zayn would pick the bundle of squealing happiness up, and bring him to the pool. It was fun, really. But, the career for Liam hadn't come to an end. He was famous as ever, since he had taken a two year break off being pregnant, and only focusing on his boxing, training, getting back up to shape, and he was doing greatly.

Nothing had stopped the two from being where they were, now. Happy. Louis had learnt one thing; Instead of focusing on all of the bad things that have happened in your life, take a moment, step back, and pick the good little things that have made you happy. That was what he started to do, and had been doing it for a long time. From that, he was joyful for the majority of the time. From his happiness and constant faith in himself, he earned himself a place as being a doctor, which made Liam scream for joy when his husband told him the wonderful news.

He remembered the day when Alfie told him what he wanted to be when he was older. And this little news shocked both of the two, because as he said it, he was grinning like a fool, which was something he hadn't actually done too much, before. The two year old little boy said, 'Happy, Alfie be happy' But the Doncaster lad was expecting an occupation, or to be famous, but instead Alfie said that he was craving to be a happy person when he was grown up. Because some people didn't have that in their lives.

It took some time to adjust to everything, which was going on around them. Niall and Harry had stayed together for a good old two and a half years, and were contemplating on whether settling down was the way to go. Liam had a chat with Harry, and they had made their minds up. The curly haired cutie ended up proposing to his blonde boyfriend some days after, and the wedding was when they hit their three year mark as being together as a happy couple.

But, that didn't seem . . . Enough. Something was missing. Louis' life felt so empty, he needed another little ray of sunshine to be running around their house, like Alfie did whenever he was refusing to have a bath, his stark naked cuteness revolving everywhere and making him coo, where as his partner would be fuming in anger because Alfie was being a very naughty boy. He needed an extra Alfie, perhaps a little girl, in fact. He wouldn't be able to handle another boy.

Boys were crazy.

Louis would ask, and ask, and ask, he would plead, too. But, Liam hadn't said yes, just yet. The other man didn't have time for another baby, his work held him up, kept him busy from just about everything, he even had fifty fucking million followers on Twitter, he was famous. He had tried for all of those years to become known, he was living the life, but, perhaps having another child would be wonderful.

Even their son was asking, he became lonely, and annoyed, from being the only child. He seemed to not care about the gender, at all, he wanted a little sister to cuddle, or a little brother to tease, whenever he wanted to do so. The two men were contemplating whether it was the wisest decision to have a go and try for a baby, to go through all of that shit, which they went through when Liam was pregnant with Alfie.

So, they did, and it went perfectly.


Hello, guys, or should I be saying goodbye? Not just yet! There's so much more to say to you all.

I have loved being involved in this fanfiction, and I cannot believe all of the reads I have gotten, although it was only about 34K, but that was so many reads, in my opinion! It was so fun, so, so much fun getting to know you all and having a try at an mpreg, it was an honour.

I will be writing more in the future, and there is a new story coming out to replace Boxing Miracle's place in my update list during the week, so stay tuned, it's Lirry Stayne, yay! 

So, for the last time, I will be signing off.

-J xxx

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