Chapter 1

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50 years have passed since the Luigi incident. When it happened, a shock wave of pure cosmic energy traveled across the planet. When this wave was discovered, three of Earth's greatest minds teamed up to figure out exactly what it was. Thankfully, the rest of the human population aside from the three scientists did not notice the wave. They worked night and day for years upon years until they figured out what had circled the planet on that day.

"Brain blast!" Jimmy Neutron yelled. He was in the Super Lab, which was located on the top floor of the Empire State Building. He and his crew triangulated the source of the energy wave to that exact location. His colleagues, Bill Nye and Stephen Hawking, turned from their work and rushed over to Jimmy. "I've got it! I've finally got it!"

"Did the Quantum Scanner detect the origin of the shock wave, young Jimbles?" asked Bill. Jimbles was their playful nickname for Jimmy. They may have been world renown scientists trying to uncover a world-changing discovery, but they still liked to have fun.

"This is no time for jokes," typed Stephen Hawking, "This is what we have been waiting for for 50 long years!" 

"The Quantum Scanner has analyzed that there has been a some kind of portal breach in this area! But the question is, wh- wait, somethings not right..." Jimmy explained as fear crept into his eyes. 

"Huh? What do you mean Ji-" Bill Nye was cut off by a white flash that sent the trio flying against the wall.

An unstable, shaking Rift into the Void appeared in the center of the room. A blood curdling screech was heard, and the Void became filled with flames. "What's going? What did you do Jimmy? We need to stop it!" yelled Bill Nye.

"I-I didn't do anything!" The scanner must've set something off!" just as the young boy said it, the Ancient God Luigi appeared in the Rift. He opened his mouth and started to suck everything into the room through the Rift so he could both kill and feed. 

"My god... it can't be. The legends are true." Bill muttered to himself. The Rift was not big enough for Luigi's passage into Earth. Jimmy and BIll Nye held on for dear life, but Stephen could not because of his disabilities. He was sucked into the endless plain of darkness and fire. 

"NOOOO!" They both screamed. And just like that, it was over. the Rift disappeared and the empty room fell silent. Luigi had been fed.

Jimmy and Bill had a bond with Stephen Hawking like no other. They were always cracking jokes and having fun while working on their project. After all these years, he was gone in an instant. "All of our research... it's all gone! Years of hard work just gone!" cried Jimmy.

"Stephen just died to an ancient god and all you care about is research? Do you even realized what just happened? It's good that all the research is gone... less that we have to cover up"

"Ancient god? What do you mean? Are you telling me that you actually know what just happened? If so, enlighten me! Please! Because I sure as heck don't know the answer!" yelled Jimmy. The two friends were in a yelling match now, filled with tears and sadness. They did not want to fight with each other. They each knew that the other was going through a hard time. Bill took a deep breath and calmed down. He told Jimmy the Tale of the Two Brothers.

"Long ago, before the universe came into existence, there existed two gods. They were brothers, and even though they loved each other like all brothers do, they often fought about how they should create the universe. One brother wanted to create a world of peace, happiness, and righteousness, while the other brother wanted a world with evil, hatred, and war. The brothers clashed for what seemed like all eternity, when finally their fists collided and the universe exploded into existence. The brothers disappeared into an endless void, never to be seen again. Legend has it that they still continue their endless fight in eternal darkness. There are ancient depictions of the two god brothers, and according to those they looked identical except one was red and the other green. In conclusion, Jimmy, I believe we may have just seen a god. And if that's true, then a god just killed Stephen..."

"Wow..." gasped Jimmy. He couldn't even begin to comprehend everything that just happened. "Wait a second... why did we only see just one god? Where was the other one? Wouldn't the other god stop the god that we saw from destroying our life's work? From brutally killing Stephen?"

"Oh my god... you are correct, Jimmy. This can only mean one thing. The evil god defeated the good god. And now... he is trying to escape from his prison... unbelievable."

"We need to stop him! We can't just sit around and do nothing! We have to notify the authorities!"

"No, Jimmy. We can't. The evil god feeds off of fear and anger. That would worsen the situation." explained Bill Nye.

"How do you know so much about this god? Does he have a name?" asked Jimmy.

"His name is Luigi. I used to study the ancient scriptures in my youth. I know how we can defeat him. I'll need to do some more research through my old files, but for now there is only one thing we can do."

"What is it Bill? What can we possibly do to defeat an Ancient God?" asked Jimmy.

"We need to assemble a team"

From that point onward, everything Bill Nye did was for Stephen Hawking.

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