Chapter 24

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It was two days later. Bill's campaign was off to a strong start. However, he was now mostly occupied with the campaign and had little time to direct the team anymore. This didn't stop him from briefing them on their missions and supervising them, though.

It was early in the morning. Today was the the day of the annual LazyTown Winter Olympics, and the prize for winning in the competition was rumored to be the purple Chaos Emerald. Based on all the intel the team had gathered, everything seemed to add up. Their plan was to enter the Olympics as their own team and win the competition. They had to postpone their rescue mission for Jessie and Rodrick because the current location of the T.H.O.T.S. was unknown to them.

Freddie was sitting in his room. It was quite empty, and all he owned was a few new clothes and his own laptop. He was on his laptop, surfing the web. Freddie wanted to find out what had happened to all of his friends back home in Seattle, after he had abruptly been kidnapped by Waluigi and Wario. He typed in the search bar "". When the page loaded, great memories flooded back into Freddie's mind. He clicked on the latest video. His friends, Carly and Sam, had found a way to continue the show after Freddie's disappearance. They had their friend Gibby operate as the camera man. "Really? Gibby?" Freddie thought. He wondered what his friends thought of him. Were they sad about him going missing, or were they angry that he had abandoned them? Freddie finished the latest episode of iCarly, and Cory came to the door.

"Hey. Breakfast starts in 10. After that, there's a briefing for today's mission. You could join in, if you want." he said. Freddie nodded. Cory had been very nice to him since he first arrived at the mansion. Freddie felt like Cory was the only person he could call a friend anymore.

The team was in the conference room. Freddie sat in on the briefing. He wanted to tag along because of his ever-growing thirst for answers, but Bill would not allow him to. Freddie didn't really get along with the new kids in the mansion. They mostly hung out in the break room and ran down the hallways. Gru's kids always looked sad, because they missed their dad, but were scared of his actions. Bill Nye began to lay out the plans for the day.

"Alright, team. Today you'll all be shipping out to LazyTown, Iceland at the annual LazyTown Winter Olympics. It is an annual celebration that the town citizens hold every year to unite in their passion for athleticism. Contenders come from all over the world travel to the town to compete. Shadow, you should be safe there. You aren't in America, so their should be no bounty hunters trying to kill you for the reward. Hopefully."

Shadow nodded and sipped his coffee. The day before, an outstanding bounty of 50 million dollars had been placed on Shadow's head by the FBI. He could not have cared less about it. Bill continued. "Teams of four compete in the games. Our team will be Cory, Barry, Shrek, and Knuckles. You four have shown great athletic ability. The rest of you will be watching them, and doing damage control if things get hairy. Once we hopefully win the games, get out of there as soon as possible. We don't know if any Thots will be there competing against us."

"How are we gonna get all the way to Iceland from here?" asked Barry. "The Croissant was destroyed at the White House." Bill smiled, and ushered everybody to follow him up to the rooftop hangar.

Once the gang was all there in front of the hangar, Bill snapped his fingers. The roof of the hangar retraced into the walls. A marvelous, huge battle jet rocketed upwards. It was huge, and looked more powerful and had more weapons than the Croissant. "Introducing The Croissant II. Paul, how would you like to be the pilot?"

"I'm honored. Thank you sir." said Paul Blart. The Croissant II landed, and everybody boarded the ship except for Bill, who once again had to stay behind to attend to election matters.  The ship took off into the early morning sky and headed for the Olympic games. 

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