Chapter 12

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Barry landed inside the White House. He looked up and found himself in a fairly large bedroom. Barry saw the Secret Service men inside the room first. There were about a dozen of them, and they were all heavily armed. Vice President Mike Pence was looking out a window into the massive battlefield. 

"Why won't our damn communication systems work? Does anybody have a clue as to what this attack is all about? How am I supposed to not fear for my life when I don't even know if I'll live to see tomorrow?" shouted Pence. The men did not respond to him. He unbuttoned his shirt and threw his tie at the ground in rage.  He screamed and kicked the wall, causing a crevice to form on the wall. 

Barry wondered if he should inform the VP about what was happening, but ultimately decided to stick strictly to his task. He got up to fly away, but then was knocked over by the explosion and fell on Pence's desk. Pence was leaning on the wall, when all of the sudden an explosive that had been planted on the other side of the wall had detonated. He was sent flying across the room, and hit the ground hard. Shadow the Hedgehog was standing where the wall once was. The Secret Service agents began to shoot at Shadow, but the hedgehog was too quick. He ran into the room and began running on the wall while shooting his pistol. He killed about half of the men when he ran out of ammo. Then, he pulled out his AK-47 and slaughtered the rest of the noble agents.

Barry was shaking. He told himself to stick to the mission. That's all that matters. Stick to the mission. But he also believed in thinking bee. As he rose and mustered enough courage to face Shadow, Pence stood up. He faced Shadow, who was standing in front of him. 

"The time for you to die is now, old man." said Shadow. 

"I don't think so." replied Pence. Blue lightning began to swirl around his fists. "You will never stop me from overthrowing the President and becoming Emperor Pence!" He thrust his palm out to Shadow, and lightning struck out of his hand. Shadow jumped out of the way just in time.

"I could care less about your feeble plans!" Shadow ran towards Pence. Pence fired off more lightning from his hands, but Shadow was to quick for him. Barry hid under a stack of papers on the desk, trying to avoid the lightning. 

Pence was going insane. The room began to quake and a tornado of lightning surrounded Pence. Finally, he struck Shadow down. "Gah!" yelped Shadow as he fell to the ground. It was just a minor scorch. 

"I HAVE REACHED MY FULL POTENTIAL! GOODBYE SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG!" yelled Pence as he rose into the air. Shadow grabbed his AK-47 and shot Pence in the chest. Sometimes, solutions could be just that simple. The lightning disappeared, and Pence was lying on the floor bleeding.

"You have defeated me. Go on, end me. My empire will live on!" said Pence, as he spoke his final words. Shadow reloaded the gun and began to shoot rapid fire on Pence's head. When he was done, the former Vice President's head was mutilated. 

Shadow sighed. "It didn't have to be this way." He then sped out of the room. Barry came out from his hiding spot. He knew for a fact that there was nobody to blame but himself for Pence's death. However, he didn't have time to ponder on that. He had a president to save.

Barry headed to the Oval Office. As he flew through the White House corridors, he looked through the windows and saw the rest of the Memesistance fighting Donkey Kong, the massive gorilla, as night began to fall on the battle. He was about as tall as the White House itself. Barry spotted Paul Bart and Bill Nye inside The Croissant launching missiles at the angry ape. He was glad his team was putting up a good fight. Suddenly, a missile collided with Donkey Kong, and the angry ape collapsed onto the East Wing of the White House. Barry sped to get out of there as fast as he could. He dodged falling debris and pieces of destruction. He saw the door to the Oval Office, and dived in as the East Wing collapsed. Donkey Kong struggled to stand up and get back into the fight. 

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