Chapter 15

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Our group of heroes were navigating the streets of Reef City, led by Oscar. They did not need to hide anymore because they were Oscar's official guests. The wreck of the Titanic was far out past the other side of the city. 

When they were crossing at an intersection, a small orange clownfish swam straight into them. "HAVE YOU SEEN MY SON?" asked the panicked clownfish. Oscar nodded no, and the clownfish swam off to pester other citizens.

"Freaks like him are all around this city. It's a shame, really. This is city is so beautiful and lifelike, but scum like freaks and the mafia plague it." said Oscar.

"When all of this is over, I swear that we'll come back here and cleanse this city of evil one day!" promised Cory. Jimmy didn't like that Cory decided to take the initiative on this. Cory may have been President of the United States and Controller of the Chaos Emeralds, but Jimmy knew that these traits did not make Cory their leader. Not by a long shot. The role of leader was never really discussed among the team, because everybody assumed that Bill Nye was the leader. 

"That is, if  we're still around after all this." said Johnny. Ever since the beginning, he had his doubts about their success. He thought that if they failed, it would certainly be quite a way to go.

"Wow. Thanks guys, that means a lot." thanked Oscar. They were approaching the outer rim of the city. "Alright, I've heard that the wreck is in a massive ridge in this general direction. Let's move quickly, I don't know how far away it is." With that, they took off into the endless ocean.

It took them an hour to reach the wreck. "There it is!" said Mike Wazowski. The team approached a massive deep ocean trench. At the bottom of the trench was the legendary wreck of the Titanic!

"Incredible!" exclaimed Jimmy Neutron. "This is truly an amazing discovery!" The boy began to take photos with his underwater camera. He would show these photos to Bill, because he knew that Bill would be fascinated.

"The shark mafia!" whispered Oscar. A group of five white and black sharks were entering the Titanic through a hole in the ship's hull.

"We gotta be sneaky. Let's get to a vantage point, see if we can get any information from the Thots. On my signal, we'll strike!" said Jimmy.

"Do you really think we can take five sharks?" asked Johnny Test.

"I'm ready to smash some shark skulls in!" shouted Shrek. The gang descended to the Titanic's hull, and entered through the hole.

Everything in the ship was just like a normal cruise ship, except for the giant crater that scaled the whole ship. It had looked like something powerful had slammed into the ship, and made a gigantic hole that went through every floor of the ship. It had to be the Chaos Emerald! If this was true, then the gemstone must've been at the bottom of the ship. 

They gradually descended through the many floors of the ghost ship. The ship had a depressing vibe to it. Skeletal remains were lodged in some rooms, and others were completely empty. They reached the boiler room, which was on the level above the bottom of the ship. Jimmy peeked down the hole.

The shark mafia was floating above the bottom of the ship. In front of them was the blue Chaos Emerald! However, it was trapped inside the wreckage of what looked like an old race car. 

"Alright, boys. send out the signal transmitter. Bring 'em here." said the leader of the mafia. "And remember, if they try to cross us, the Great White Shark mafia, their dead." One of the shark henchmen pulled out his phone and sent out the signal. In a blink of an eye, a giant underwater jet-like vehicle came swooping down into the wreck. It braked once it reached the bottom. The Memesistance had to dodge out of the way in order to not be killed by the vehicle's speedy descent. The glass window of the cockpit swung open, and Stewie Griffin and Gru swam out in diving suits. 

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