Chapter 17

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"Are you ready, Cory?" asked Po. They were getting ready to climb the steps to the Dojo, where Po's master resided. It was a long climb, and it would probably take most of the day to perform. The rest of the team explored the island and relaxed while Cory and Po would travel. Po said that it was an urgent matter and that Cory should meet Po's master as soon as possible. When asked why, Po did not give an answer.

It was a long, boring journey. Along the way, Po told Cory the tales of Club Penguin. There were stories about parties, secret agencies, and adventures. Life on this island sounded like a good time. It pained Cory to know that he would never be just a normal kid again. He wondered how his friends were doing back home at Washington D.C. This had all happened so fast. Cory pondered if Newt, Meena, and Sophie were worried about him. He couldn't wait to reunite with his friends once all of this was over. 

"We're almost there, Cory. Get ready." said Po.

"Po, when we were walking around the island, why were some of the penguins bending elements? How were they doing that?" asked Cory.

"That's called Elemental Card-Jitsu. Card-Jitsu is the ancient Chinese study of card play, Cory. It is quite popular here. The Dojo is the hot spot for all things Card-Jitsu. Maybe my master will teach you about it. Anyways, we're here!"

They had finally reached the top of the mountain. The mystical Dojo towered before them. All was silent, except for the howling of the wind. "I can no longer accompany you. You must enter the Dojo alone, my friend. Good luck." said Po. Po then entered a door to the right of the Dojo. This was the living quarters, where Po would stay for the night. Cory took a deep breath, and pushed open the Dojo doors.

Cory walked into darkness. He could see nothing. "Hello? Is anybody there?" he asked.

A voice responded. "Cory Baxter. I have awaited your arrival, young one." A flame sparked onto a candle. Cory looked at the candle. It was on the ground, flickering from side to side. 

"Who are you? Show yourself!" demanded Cory. 

"No problem, kiddo." Candles on the walls began to light rapidly. Suddenly, the room was lit up. The inside was like a normal Dojo. Pillows and practice mats were scattered everywhere. A shrine with a red archway and a pillow sat in the center of the room. On the pillow, sat a middle-aged black man. He wore flowing white robes and held a wooden staff in his right hand. Jet black sunglasses were covering his eyes. "Hello, Cory. I am Sensei Barack Obama." he said.

Cory couldn't believe his eyes. "Obama? Is it really you? I thought you died years ago! How are you alive? What are you doing here?" 

Obama smirked. "Yes, it is me. Let me tell you my tale. 50 years ago I foresaw a great evil dawning upon the world. I faked my own death some years later. I left my children behind, because if they knew that I faked my own death, they would never forgive me. Michelle and I wandered the Earth searching for a peaceful place, where I could meditate and see the meaning behind my vision. While in China, we met a sweet panda named Po. He told us of this island, and the three of us searched for it. We finally arrived here, and the penguins accepted us. You see, the previous sensei had just died. They were looking for a new one, and I took the mantle. We've all been living in peace and harmony ever since."

"Wow...but what about your vision?"

"I have spent years decrypting it. After thousands of hours of research, I had discovered that I was...special. I am something called The Seer. I can see into the flow of time, and the flow of time can see into me. My vision of a great evil destroying the world is coming, Cory. At the end of time, you will battle Luigi. I do not know how it will end, but it will be an epic battle. Only one can be victorious. Will it be you, Cory? Or will you succumb to Luigi's darkness?" explained Obama,

"I-it will be me! It has to be! As long as I have my friends by my side, nothing can get in my way!" exclaimed Cory.

"That's what I like to hear, kid. But there is still more I need to tell you. Sit down." Cory sat down on a pillow. "At the end of time, at the final battle, you will not be able to defeat Luigi all by yourself. Cory, as President, you are the single most important man in the world right now. You are the only Controller of the Chaos Emeralds. I was once in this position, too. However, I saw no need to use my powers during my time as President. This is not the situation for you. You were never briefed on anything, so it is my duty to inform you about the importance of the Chaos Emeralds. It is written in the ancient scriptures that one day, an epic battle of Meme Legends will occur. In this battle, good and evil will clash at the end of time. The King of Chaos and his Seven Knights of Chaos will ride into battle. However, that is all that is written. The rest of this battle is up to you, Cory. You are the King of Chaos."

"King of Chaos? Man...this is a lot."

"Indeed. One more thing, Cory. When all seven Chaos Emeralds are gathered, the location of the Master Emerald will be revealed. The Master Emerald has unlimited power, Cory. It is vital that your enemies do not get their hands on it. It was once guarded by generations of guardians, but they mysteriously disappeared some time ago."

"You mean that there is an eighth Chaos Emerald? Are you kidding me!" said Cory.

"Precisely. This is the most powerful Emerald. It's power is divine. But enough about all this. You want to know where to go from here, correct?" asked Obama.

"Yes sir." replied Cory.

"The purple Chaos Emerald is located in a small town in Iceland. That is where you should head next. Cory, the Seven Knights of Chaos are already among you. They will realize their inner purpose in time. This is all I have to say."

"Thank you, Sensei Obama."

"Hold on, I almost forgot something. Stand up Cory." said Obama. Obama and Cory both stood up and faced each other. Obama placed his thumb and his forefinger on Cory's forehead. He pushed down, and the essence of the elements were absorbed into Cory. 

"What did you do to me?" asked Cory.

"You now have the power of bending the elements, my boy. Try it out."

Cory aimed his hand at the ground, and fire spewed out of his palm. "Oh my god! That's so cool, man! Thank you!" Suddenly, the blue Chaos Emerald slowly emerged from Cory's body. "Awesome!"

"No problem. Go through that door over there into the living quarters. You can stay here for the rest of the night, and in the morning you can leave. I'm sure your friends will understand. I'll have my penguins fetch your yacht for you, so you can get home fast."

"Goodnight, Obama. Thank you for opening my eyes." said Cory.

"Oh, and one more thing. I'm proud to have you as a successor, Cory. You will do great things. I'm sure of it." said Obama. 

Cory went to sleep with ease, despite of everything that he had just learned of. When he woke up in the morning, He walked into the Dojo, where Barack was waiting for him. "Good Morning, Sensei." Cory said.

"Good morning, Cory. It seems that Po...left us in the middle of the night. He is no longer on the island. He must've felt excluded. I'm sure he will return sooner or later. Anyway, your friends are waiting for you at the docks. The penguins found your yacht. Goodbye, Cory. We will meet again. I'm sure of it." 

They said their goodbyes, and Cory sledded down the mountain and walked to the docks. He would explain everything to his friends on the ride home. He knew that they were safe, for now at least. What he didn't know was that the Penguins of Madagascar were castaways on the yacht.

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